Newspaper Articles

Grafton Sentinel
April 16, 1960

Mrs. Hubert Humphrey To Be Grafton Visitor

Mrs. Hubert H. Humphrey, wife of the Democratic Presidential candidate, will visit Grafton this Tuesday, April 19, from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m.

Announcement of Mrs. Humphrey's visit was made today by Eugene P. Foley, coordinator of the Northern West Virginia Humphrey Committee. Details of her visit will be announced later.

The Northern West Virginia committee will officially open its headquarters in Clarksburg on Monday evening at 9 p.m., when Mrs. Humphrey will be guest of honor. Area residents are all invited to the opening reception at Headquarters, 224 West Pike Street, Clarksburg.

Mrs. Humphrey, a twinkling, blue-eyed mother of four, returned recently from Wisconsin, where for the first time, she campaigned along on behalf of her husband. Wisconsinites were quick to dub her his most effect campaigner.

Mr. Foley, a native of Northern Minnesota, is currently on leave from the United States Senate Small Business Committee, which he serves as legal counsel. He is a graduate of St. Thomas College in St. Paul, and the University of Vienna, Austria.

Before joining the Small Business Committee, he taught Philosophy of law at St. Mary's College in Winona, Minn.

A recognized expert on area development matters, Mr. Foley is anxious to confer with area business and labor leaders, and invites them to contact him at either the 224 West Pike Street headquarters, or at the Stonewall Jackson Hotel in Clarksburg.

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