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Wayne County News
April 21, 1927


Scott Adkins, age 39 years, son of Mrs. Mat Adkins and the late Elisha Adkins of Wayne, died at the C & O Hospital in Huntington Friday of last week at 5 o'clock p. m., following a several days illness. The deceased first became ill with pleurisy at his home in Wayne. He was removed to the Huntington hospital and pneumonia fever developed. He lived only one week after being taken to the hospital.

Adkins was a widely known local man. He was long known for his athletic ability and excelled in baseball. In the late World War he served eighteen months in the American Expeditionary Forces and saw active service on foreign soil and was in some of the major offensives of the allied armies. He was gassed in active service, and many of his friends believed that he never fully recovered from the effects of this. He had numerous friends in this county and in Huntington to whom his untimely death was a shock.

Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at three o'clock at the Wayne M. E. Church, with Rev. L. D. Icard in charge. Interment was at the Wayne cemetery. The funeral services were attended by one of hte largest crowds that has ever attended a similar occasion here for several years.

Surviving relatives are his mother, Mrs. Mat Adkins; three sisters, Mr. G. B. Ketchum, Misses Eunice and Spice Adkins of Wayne; three brothers, Frank Adkins of Williamson, and Victor and John Adkins of Wayne.

Pallbearers at the funeral services were W. Frank Harrison, Charley Newman, Muss Damron, Elmer Sansom, Carl Spurlock and Carl Frazier.


Mrs. J. B. Burgess of Herbert has been appointed chairman of a Committee to conduct a Better Homes campaign in the Wayne Communtity, which will be in cooperation with the Better Homes Week, which will be observed throughout the country from April 24th to May 1st.

Herbert Hoover is national president of the Better Homes Campaign and the movement is sponsored locally by such organizations as chambers of commerce, parent-teacher associations, boy and girl scouts, women's clubs, and similar groups.

The program arranged by Mrs. Burgess and the Wayne Women's Club will be given at eh court house auditorium on Thursday of next week, April 28th. There will be two sessions, afternoon and evening. The following program has been announced for these occasions:

Afternoon 28th

2:30 Address, Mrs. J. B. Burgess

Mrs. W. B. Smith--To encourage the furnishing of homes economically and in good taste. To supply knowledge of the means of eliminating drudgery and waste of effort in housekeeping, and to spread information about public agencies, which will asist housekeepers in their problems.

Four-H Club Demonstration

Miss Brand--Demonstration of proper table setting and service; followed by a tea to all present.

Thursday Night 28th

8:00 Orchestra

Prof. Berisford--Talk on how to make accessible to all citizens knowledge of high standards in home building, home furnishing, and home life.

F. F. Scaggs--Talk on how to encourage thrift for home ownership and to spread knowledge of methods of financing the purchase or building of a home.

Motion pictures directed by W. D. Click.

Wm. Garrison--Talk on how to promote the improvement of house lots, yards and neighborhoods, and to encourage the making of home gardens and home playgrounds.

C. W. Ferguson--Talk on how to extend knowledge of the ways of making home life happier, through the development of home music, home play, home arts and crafts and the home library.


The general public is given a cordial invitation to attend these sessions and cooperate for the success of the Better Homes movement.

Statewide Effort

More than a hundred and fifty of the two hundred farm women's clubs in West Virginia are planning to participate in the Better Homes Week campaign.

Plans for observing the week in West Virginia are under the direction of Homes Committee of the West Virginia Farm Women's Bureau. The members of this committee are Mrs. Bertle P. Rhodes, chairman, Weston; Mrs. Ray Ward, Elkins; and Mrs. John B. Burgess, Herbert of Way Route 1, this county.

One of the major projects of the homes committee this year is to get more rural homes equipped with running water, and this feature will get special attention during Better Homes Week. A number of clubs are planning to install water systems in one of the farm homes as a community demonstration.

The West Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station has just issued Circular 44, "Water Systems for Farm Homes", and copies have been sent to all the members of the farm women's clubs. Others who are interested in the circular may obtain copies from the local county or home demonstration agent by writing to the Director of the Experiment Station at Morgantown.

Some of the clubs are putting on demonstrations of labor-saving equipment and of kitchen arrangements or furnishings and arranging a model kitchen; others are sponsoring community meetings at which a "homes" program will be given; one club is putting on a home grounds contest; and many clubs are holding community sings or parties during the week.

Transcription by June White

Wayne County News