Newspaper Articles

Wheeling News-Register
October 12, 1956

Dems Ready To Welcome Kennedy

Virginia Theatre Site for Rally Here on Sunday

Final arrangements for Sunday's Democratic rally at the Virginia Theatre when Senator John F. Kennedy, of Massachusetts, will be the principal speaker, were announced today.

Chairman Carl B. Galbraith, of the Ohio County democratic Executive committee, who will preside, said the meeting will open at 2:30 p.m., with the singing of "God Bless America," by Thomas Power. The singer's wife will play the accompaniment.

The invocation will be asked by Rabbi Solomon Shoulson, of the Synagogue of Israel on Edgington Lane. Galbraith then will introduce the following local candidates:

C. Lee Spillers, for Congress; Herbert Traubert, for reelection as state senator; Frank L. Campbell, for county commissioner; William C. Havercamp, for circuit clerk; Raymond J. Falland, for county clerk; Elmer Albaugh, for assessor; Harry J. Dailer, for sheriff; and Jack R. Adams, Steven Rusek and Thomas Campbell, for House of Delegates.

Galbraith then will present gubernatorial nominee, Robert H. Mollohan, who will introduce Senator Kennedy. After the speech, the benediction will be pronounced by the Rev. W. Carroll Thorn, rector of St. Luke's Episcopal Church.

The 39-year-old Kennedy, a first-term member of the Senate, gained national attention as a prominent candidate for the vice presidential nomination in August in Chicago. He is a World War II naval hero, three-term congressman and author of a best-selling book.

He is scheduled to arrive in Pittsburgh by plane at 1 p.m., Sunday, taking a private plane to Wheeling and join a motorcade to the theatre. He will return to Pittsburgh by plane after his appearance here for a reception at 5:30 p.m.

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