Newspaper Articles

Brooke News
October 9, 1959

Sen. Kennedy To Speak Here On Saturday

Brooke Democrats Will Be Hosts At Elks Country Club Meeting

U. S. Senator John F. Kennedy of Massachusetts will be in Brooke County tomorrow, Saturday, Oct. 10, for a luncheon and speech in conjunction with his tour of West Virginia.

Sen. Kennedy, who appears to be the leading candidate to carry the Democratic banner in the 1960 presidential election, will be accompanied to West Virginia by his attractive wife and members of his staff.

They are expected to arrive at the Ohio County Airport at 10 a. m. Sen. Kennedy will hold a press conference at the airport and will then journey to Brooke County.

Mrs. Kennedy will leave the airport immediately after arriving and will motor to the home of John B. Chernenko, Brooke County Democratic Chairman of Wellsburg, where a society press conference will be held.

A luncheon in honor of Sen. Kennedy will be held at 1 p. m. in the Elks Country Club, Bethany Pike. The popular young senator will deliver an address following the luncheon.

U. S. Senator Jennings Randolph of W. Va., will give the introductions. Ralph Pryor, Prosecuting Attorney, of Wellsburg, will be the toastmaster.

John Chernenko, chairman of the Brooke County Democratic Executive Committee, announced that the event to be held in Brooke County will attract one of the largest dinner audiences ever assembled in the county. Assisting Chernenko with arrangements are Mrs. Ann Shute, associate chairman and secretary of the Democratic Committee, and Mrs. Paul Bickerstaff, who is also a member of the committee.

At the conclusion of the afternoon activities planned for Sen. and Mrs. Kennedy and members of his staff, then will then journey to Charleston, where the Senator will be a featured speaker at the Democratic fund-raising dinner scheduled to be held at the Civic Center at 6:30 p. m. the same day.

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