Newspaper Articles

Wellsburg Daily Herald
October 12, 1959

Senator Kennedy Defends Labor Vote At Elks Club Luncheon On Saturday

Throwing aside his prepared speech U. S. Senator John F. Kennedy of Massachusetts, made a vigorous defense of his labor record in the Senate, particularly in regard to his vote on the Landrum-Griffith labor bill a few weeks ago, before a gathering of more than 350 people at the Elks country home Saturday afternoon. In an area where labor is the predominantly segment of the voters, Senator Kennedy used the occasion for his personal defense.

He stated that in the Senate-House conference meetings 17 major changes were made in the bill from the House of Representatives version. H[e] stated the bill was a good one and predicted that Labor would benefit by it, particularly in areas where they are not strong, naming the southern states.

He also criticized the President for using the Taft-Hartley law in the current steel strike. He said the Presidential action was one-sided and designed to aid the steel operating companies more than the USW union.

He stated that the President did not have enough weapons to handle nation-wide strikes, that the T-H law was inadequate and indicated he would back legislation to give the president more power. (Sen. Kennedy is Chairman of the sub-committee on labor in the U. S. Senate).

At a press interview at the Ohio-Brooke county airport he said, in answer to a question, he would make an announcement of his intentions in January.

Kennedy was introduced by U. S. Senator Jennings Randolph. Prosecuting Attorney Ralph E. Pryor was Master of Ceremonies, and introduced the celebreties [sic]. State Democratic chairman Hulett Smith made the welcoming address.

An amusing sidelight to the speaking turning the meeting into a convention scene, with delegations from the nearby counties parading the aisles with "Kennedy for President" banners after his speech. He was also presented with a large replica of the White House, which was to be his home after January 20, 1961.

Staate [sic] Senate President Ralph Bean, State Senator Herbert Traubert, county chairman John Chernenko, were presented. Mrs. Kennedy was presented a corsage and was introduced. Invocation was given by Very Rev. Father John Halpin of the Wellsburg St. John's Catholic Church, and the benediction by Rev. John J. Bates of the Follansbee Presbyterian Church.

A plate luncheon was served. Following the dinner an opportunity was given to meet Senator Kennedy. He left at 3 o'clock by private plane for Charleston where he had a dinner meeting.

Kennedy's plane arrived at 10:20 a.m. at the airport and after a short period of greetings he went to a second floor room for an interview with local media representatives. He was then driven to the home of Prosecuting Attorney and Mrs. Ralph E. Pryor to meet party leaders and friends in the county.

Mrs. Kennedy was also entertained in Wellsburg. She was escorted from the airport by Mrs. Paul Bickerstaff, Mrs. Ann Shute, members of the executive committee, Mrs. Robert Music, president of the Democratic Woman's Club of Brooke County and Mrs. Richard W. Barnes, wife of the assistant prosecuting attorney of Brooke County to the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Chernenko, 1601 Pleasant Avenue.

She was greeted by approximately 50 women both democratic and republicans. She was charming and greeted the guests personally and informally.

The home was beautifully decorated for the occasion, and tea was served with Mrs. Herbert Traubert and Mrs. Anthony Filberto pouring.

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