Newspaper Articles

Charleston Gazette-Mail
February 21, 1960

Adlai Still Strong Here

Poll of Convention Candidates Shows Ten Who Rank Him First

By James A. Haught

West Virginia voters mostly will have just two choices this year in picking delegates to the Democratic national convention:either delegates who are for Adlai E. Stevenson for president, or delegates who won't say whom they favor.

The devout nature of Stevenson supporters showed clearly last week as Sunday Gazette-Mail reporters polled a total of 24 Kanawha, Fayette and Raleigh countians who have filed for the convention.

Ten of the group said they were for Stevenson:many saying they had no second choice:while 11 gave no preference, two said they would support Stuart Symington, and one, Hubert Humphrey.

A list of the candidates and their positions is as follows:

W. Robert Abbot, Fayetteville:Stevenson first choice, undecided on second choice.

Ferris Aide, Oak Hill:Stevenson first choice, uncommitted on others.

Joe E. Ballengee, Charleston:Symington first choice, Kennedy second, Humphrey third.

Arthur K. Banks, Charleston:Stevenson first choice, will watch state primary results for decisions on Humphrey or Kennedy.

Mrs. Clara Boyd, Charleston:Undecided, waiting for outcome of state primary.

W. E. Chilton III, Charleston:Stevenson "is by far the most qualified candidate in the country."

J. Hornor Davis II, Charleston:No decision yet.

J. Henry Francis Jr., Charleston:Stevenson firsts, no second choice.

E. L. James, Institute:No decision.

Charles M. Love, Charleston:"No comment. I've never committee myself in advance on anything."

C. Lance Marshall, Blue Creek:"Not decided yet . . . I understand that it's against the law to tell my preference."

George C. Porter, Beckley:Uncommitted.

Burl A. Sawyers, Charleston:No decision yet.

Walter Shepherd, Charleston:Stevenson first choice, with no second choice.

James M. Sprouse, Charleston:Stevenson first, then "anybody but Johnson."

T. E. Myles, Fayetteville:Undecided, but "leaning to Symington."

R. J. Thrift Jr.,, Fayetteville:Stevenson first, no second.

Lawrence Barker, Dunbar:Undecided.

W. T. (Suey) Brotherton, Charleston:Stevenson first, no second.

James V. Brown, Charleston:Stevenson first, then Kennedy.

John E. Howell, Charleston:Symington first, Lyndon Johnson second.

John H. McCulloch, Beckley:No decision yet.

Mrs. William K. Roberts, Dunbar:"I don't want to commit myself."

Robert J. Singer, St. Albans:Humphrey first, undecided on others.

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