Newspaper Articles

Charleston Gazette
March 21, 1960

State, National Figures Attend Women's Sessions

By Kathy Springer
Staff Writer

State and national political figures were on hand Saturday for the third annual Democratic Women's Day at the Daniel Boone Hotel.

The highlight of the day was an address by Sen. Stuart Symington from Missouri, who was accompanied to the Capitol City by his wife and son, James Wadsworth.

Describing herself as simply a "normal" woman, Mrs. Symington found West Virginians "lively and friendly" during one of the few tours she has taken with her husband. Before their arrival here, the couple visited in Durham, N. C., Montgomery, Ala., Huntington, and planned to travel back to Washington D. C. Sunday.

Mrs. Symington is the daughter of a former senator from New York. Thus, political language and such are merely part of her life, though she admits she "cannot even preside over a meeting." She stated, "I'm a follower, not a leader."

As an active Red Cross worker, Mrs. Symington is particularly interested in charities of all types. She is one of the Senate wives who will conduct a tour in Washington for the benefit of underdeveloped countries and is on the woman's Committee of the National Cathedral Assn. in Washington.

Mrs. Symington spends most of her time "doing what a housewife is supposed to do." She added, "I love to cook but I'm no good. My salad molds just don't mold."

Representing Sen. Hubert Humphrey at the all-day affair was his intelligent and forceful sister, Mrs. Frances Howard of Baltimore, Md. Taking an active interest in foreign policy and national problems, Mrs. Howard said, "The frontier that must be explored today is that of the mind."

Noting that the younger generation is not satisfied with the space age gains, Mrs. Howard related many experiences she has had while speaking to more than 20,000 high school students. She remarked, "The youth of today is interested in hope, not destruction."

Mrs. Howard is associated with the Maryland United Nations Assn. and was the organizer of the South Dakota U. N. Assn.

In connection with her work with the U. N., Mrs. Howard has traveled in 11 countries, including Russia, the Middle East and East and West Germany. She found that in all countries "everyone wants the same thing:peace and prosperity."

Although Mrs. Howard maintains a non-partisan stand in her addresses, she feels her brother is the strongest candidate for the Democratic nomination for president because he is "for all positive things" and is "a man of action."

While most children are read fairy tales at bedtime, Mrs. Howard remembers how her father used to read her the life of Thomas Jefferson and various other historical items. These all provided her with solid background for her interest in world affairs.

"My father was a William Jennings Bryan man and, although he was a druggist, I always said, 'With every pill he sold, he sold a new political idea'," Mrs. Howard added.

During her many visits to different parts of the United States, both representing her brother and addressing groups on the threats of Russia, Mrs. Howard has been asked, by several mothers how to create an open mind and awareness of the importance of world affairs in their children. Mrs. Howard has a remedy for this situation. "Just make the discussion of the problems of the United States and other countries a part of daily living."

Mrs. Howard has two children, Ann, 10, and Willy, 14. Ann is an artist and is studying at the Baltimore Art Museum. Willy is interested in politics.

By degrees, Mrs. Howard is a sociologist. She received her bachelor of arts and master of arts degrees from George Washington University.

Another representative of a national political figure, Ted Kennedy, was on hand during the day. He represented his brother, John Kennedy, who is a strong contender for the Democratic nomination for president.

The program for the eventful day began with a coffee hour followed by a 12:30 p. m. luncheon. A campaign workshop was conducted by Malcolm Knowles of the Adult Education Division of Boston University.

State political figures appearing at the 6:30 p. m. banquet which followed a reception were Sen. Robert C. Byrd and Sen. Jennings Randolph.

General chairman for the event was Mrs. Hugh Kincaid.

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