Newspaper Articles

Huntington Advertiser
March 22, 1960

Senator Humphrey Speaks Here Tonight

Senator Hubert Humphrey (D-Minn), who will be Huntington's guest this evening, will be accompanied here from Washington by Senator Robert C. Byrd (D-WVa) and Representative Ken Hechler of the fourth West Virginia district if Byrd and Hechler are able to leave the nation's capitol.

William A. Beckett, president of the West Virginia Young Democratic Clubs, said he was advised this morning by Robert W. Barrie, executive secretary of the Humphrey for President office in Washington, that Senator Byrd and Representative Hechler will accompany Senator Humphrey if congressional business permits.

Barrie also will be in the Humphrey party. The Minnesota lawmaker and his party will leave National Airport in Washington at 4 p. m. in a Beechcraft private plane. Ordinarily the flight to Huntington from Washington takes an hour and a halft [sic].

The Huntington reception committee, headed by Beckett and by Robert H. Burford, chairman of the Cabell County Democratic Executive Committee, plans to be at Tri-State Airport to greet the Humphrey group at 5:30 p. m.

Will Stay Overnight

Burford said a press, radio and TV conference will be held at the hotel Frederick before the dinner hour tonight if time permits. Otherwise, a conference will be held tomorrow morning. The senator plans to remain overnight in Huntington and will depart at 10:30 a. m. tomorrow for Pittsburgh.

While here, Senator Humphrey will be the guest of the Cabell Democratic Committee, the Cabell-Wayne Citizens for Humphrey, the Humphrey for President committee and the hutington Forum.

The Minnesota senator will speak at a Forum din[n]er at the Hotel Frederick to be served at 6:30 p. m.

At 8 p. m., Senator Humphrey will be honored at a reception at the hotel, staged by the various committees aiding his candidacy. There, the senator will speak again in the main ballroom of the hotel.

The public is invited to the reception and the 8 p. m. meeting. The Huntington Forum's dinner is invitational.

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