Newspaper Articles

Follansbee Review
April 6, 1960

F. D. Roosevelt Jr. To Speak At Democratic Rally In Wellsburg

Mrs. Ann Shute, associate chairman and secretary of the Brooke County Democratic Executive Committee, announced today that Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr., son of the late Frandlin [sic] D. Roosevelt, former president of the United States, will visit Brooke County Monday, April 11.

Mr. Roosev[e]lt, a former member of the House of Representatives from the state of New York, will be the main speaker at a Democratic Rally to be held in the court house Monday evening at 7:30.

Mr. Roosevelt will be introduced by Ralph Pryor, prosecuting attorney, and a candidate for judge of the first district.

Also included on the schedule for Mr. Roosevelt, will be a guest appearance on the Tell-Al News program on WSTV-TV at 12:30 Monday, and also on the Stan Scott News Program over the same channel at 6:45.

John Cher[n]enko, chairman of the executive committee, invites all democratic candidates running for offices in the county, to attend the rally and visit with Mr. Roosevelt. Richard Barnes, assistant prosecuting attorney, will make the introduction of the candidates.

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