Newspaper Articles

Randolph Enterprise
April 7, 1960

F.D.R., Jr. to Visit Here for Kennedy

Franklin D. Roosevelt Jr former Congressman from New York and son of the late President of the United States who is currently appearing in West Virginia in behalf of Senator John F. Kennedy, Democratic hopeful for the Presidential nomination will arrive in Elkins at 12 noon on Tuesday, April 12.

Senator Kennedy is entered in the West Virginia Primary May 10 as a candidate for the Democratic nomination for President.

On his Elkins visit Roosevelt will greet all in attendance. He is a distinguished speaker in his own right and is working for the nomination of his close friend Senator Kennedy.

Hundreds of citizens of Randolph County are expected to attend the April 12 political rally at Tygart Hotel which will be one of the outstanding events in this part of the state during the campaign.

Roosevelt will spend about two hours in Elkins before leaving for Marlinton and Webster Springs. In Webster Springs Roosevelt will take part in a Kennedy-for-President Torchlight parade.

Prior to his arrival in Elkins Roosevelt will speak at the Town Hall in Monongah at 6:30 p.m. on Friday April 8. Ticket for this rally may be purchased in Elkins from Bob Hedrick.

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