Newspaper Articles

Clarksburg Exponent
April 8, 1960

Roosevelt Will Be City Guest; to Talk At Monongah Meet

Public Invited to Meet Distinguished Visitor at Airport and at Hotel

Franklin D. Roosevelt Jr., son of the nation's distinguished wartime President, will be here today to work in behalf of his personal friend, U. S. Senator John F. Kennedy of Massachusetts who aspires to be the Democratic nominee for President.

On his arrival here and throughout his brief visit, the former New York Congressman will be given the honors due him as the son of a former President, a distinguished Democrat, and as a supporter of U. S. Senator Kennedy for the presidency.

Many who may be Humphrey supporters will nevertheless want to be at the airport to greet Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr. and to meet him during an open house which will follow at the Stonewall Jackson Hotel.

The Capital Airlines plane bringing Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr. here will arrive at Benedum Airport at 2:55 p. m., and Harrison County Democratic Chairman Ben B. Stout and many other Democrats, as well as some Republicans, will be at the airport to meet the distinguished guest.

Victor Gabriel, who is in charge of Roosevelt's visit here, said that it is hoped to have a large crowd at the airport to make known to Roosevelt that he is a really welcome guest here.

Harrison County officers will provide escort service for the motorcade which will accompany Roosevelt from Benedum Airport to the Stonewall Jackson Hotel. City policemen will join the motorcade at the city limits and continue with it to the hotel.

Immediately upon his arrival at the hotel, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr. will conduct a press conference, to be followed by a radio conference.

An open house in his honor will then start and during that time the public is invited to be present and to shake hands and talk with him.

While here former Congressman Roosevelt will explain why he is campaigning for the nomination and election of Senator Kennedy as President of the United States.

It was emphasized in the announcements concerning Roosevelt's visit that the public is urged to be present at the airport and to meet Roosevelt at the Stonewall Jackson.

Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr. will remain at the Stonewall Jackson Hotel until 5:30 p .m. when another motorcade is scheduled to depart for Monongah, where he will be the main speaker for a dinner in the Town Hall.

Sheriff Gill and deputies of Marion County will meet the motorcade at the Marion County line.

The motorcade will parade through Monongah and there will be a 20-minutes fireworks display in downtown Monongah before Roosevelt goes to the Town Hall for his address in Senator Kennedy's behalf.

On Saturday, April 9, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr., will appear at noon time in Madison, where he will make a short street tour and address, and will spend the afternoon in Logan where there will be a parade and major evening meeting at the Field House.

On Monday, April 11, Roosevelt will appear at Wellsburg, where he will meet with workers inside plants and at mill gates and address a public rally in the evening at the Wellsburg Courthouse.

Tuesday, April 12, Roosevelt will be in Randolph County with a noon appearance at the Tygart Hotel in Elkins, an afternoon appearance and a final windup meeting at the Webster Springs Courthouse at 6:30 p. m.

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