Newspaper Articles

Beckley Post Herald
April 21, 1960

Kennedy Speaks At Collins High

Sen. John F. Kennedy (D-Mass) spoke at 10 a.m. Wednesday at the Collins High School gymnasium to students and adults.

He was introduced by Mayor Joseph Keatley. Others on the platform were Mrs. Samuel Price and John Stephen Gray, president of student council.

Kennedy said West Virginia has problems which have been publicized throughout the United States. He thinks from seeing students of the high schools and colleges the state shows a high-noon in prosperity. He compared this state with his state of Massachusetts in having had the same problems following the second war. The state has now begun to dig out. There is an economic revival and they are encouraging new industry in the way of electronics.

Kennedy said new industry depends on good students and good teachers. He thinks West Virginia's problems should be handled locally state and nationally.

He mentioned the area development bill and said the president is the center of action as he appoints officers who are in charge of the nation which effects each state. Kennedy said the president is responsible for the freedom of the United States and he should be a representative of the people.

Following the talk some of the students asked questions on the issues of the campaign.

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