Newspaper Articles

Huntington Advertiser
April 23, 1960

Underwood Is Welcomed To 'Stop Kennedy' Club

(Special to The Advertiser)

Charleston - West Virginia spokesman for Democratic presidential aspirant John F. Kennedy (D-Mass_ today welcomed Governor Underwood to the ranks of the "stop Kennedy" movement.

Underwood, a Republican running without primary opposition for the U. S. Senate, yesterday accused both Kennedy and Sen. Hubert Humphrey (D-Minn) of trying to capitalize on the state's economic ills in their vigorous campaign.

"The time for them to have shown interest in West Virginia's problems was in the Senate and not here, now," Underwood declared at a news conference.

Answer Fired Back

Kennedy's headquarters fired aback with this statement:

"West Virginians for Kennedy welcome Governor Underwood to the ranks of the 'stop Kennedy' movement.

"On the basis of the most recent Gallup Poll, in which Sen. Kennedy was given a gratifying lead over the Republican presidential candidate, we can hardly blame the Republicans party's attempts to smear him, or to band with those other forces trying to use Sen. Humphrey as a vehicle to stop Sen. Kennedy.

"The Republican failures speak for themselves - both in West Virginia and across the nation. The people of West Virginia are more interested in Governor Underwood's feeble record as a Republican leader than in his brave remarks bout the Democratic candidates for the presidency. The people, we are sure, would prefer a little Republican action to a plethora of Republican words."

Defends Administration

The governor, defending the Eisenhower administration, declared that neither Kennedy nor Humphrey had offered any "concrete ideas on how the problems in West Virginia can be solved."

Underwood challenged Kennedy's assertion that the administration had filed t make more and better surplus foods available to needy persons. He pointed out the farm surplus program is legislated by Congress and added the program is not one designed to provide a balanced diet but to get rid of surpluses.

As for President Eisenhower's veto of a bill to set up a coal research commission, Underwood said Kennedy even missed the roll call on that as well as others affecting the state's welfare.

Some of the measures Kennedy didn't vote on, said Underwood, concerned housing, school construction, surplus commodities and airport construction grants.

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