Newspaper Articles

Huntington Advertiser
April 26, 1960

Humphrey Ridicules Stop-Kennedy Move

Kingwood, W. Va. (AP) - Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey (D-Minn) today ridiculed a voiced contention by Kennedy supporters that Kennedy's opponents in the Democratic presidential campaign were ganging up on him.

He told a crowd on the courthouse lawn of this northern West Virginia town that "I'm being ganged up on by wealth."

"He (Kennedy) looks as becoming as an underdog as Man Mountain Dean would look as a pigmy," Humphrey declared. "He can run 10 campaigns at once."

Humphrey was seemingly tireless as he extended his swing eastward toward West Virginia's picture-card orchard country.

He swung his caravan toward the eastern panhandle after a whirlwind tour of two industrial plants at Fairmont and a rally last night.

Humphrey left the rally at 11 p. m. to visit the Owens-Illinois glass plant on the town's outskirts, then hurried over to catch the midnight change of shifts at the Westinghouse plant. He turned in at 2 a. m. and as up at 5:30 a. m. to catch another change of shifts at Westinghouse at 6:30 a. m.

And before his bus left Fairmont at 8 a. m., he met with 10 labor leaders representing mine, steel and chemical workers.

Others in the party were beginning to show the wear of his strenuous campaigning. But Humphrey seemed as fresh as the apple blossoms in the wide orchards of the area.

He admits it's an up-hill fight but his delight in the scrap is obviously undiminished.

"I'm further behind than he is," Humphrey said yesterday in his only direct reference to Sen. John F. Kennedy of Massachusetts. Kennedy is his rival in the state's May 10 presidential preference primary and defeated Humphrey in the Wisconsin primary.

Humphrey's appraisal came at Webster Springs, one of five economically depressed coal mining towns at which he delivered speeches ranging form 25 to 70 minutes.

Kennedy Predicts: W. Va. Win Could Assure Nomination

By AP and UPI

Pineville, W. Va. - Sen. John F. Kennedy flatly predicted today that if he wins the West Virginia Democratic presidential primary May 10, he'll get the Democratic presidential nomination at Los Angeles in July.

The Massachusetts Democrat told a group of coal miners and their families at Amherstdale, "I think that if I win in West Virginia, I will get the nomination and . stand a good chance of being elected."

Kennedy's swing today includes stops in four counties in the heart of the depressed southern West Virginia coal fields where his opponent in the primary, Sen. Hubert Humphrey (Minn) seems to be the favorite thus far in the campaign.

Kennedy today combined forces with his chief campaign lieutenant, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr. Young FDR has been methodically beating the bushes here since April 8 on behalf of the Massachusetts senator.

Kennedy was getting a friendly reception in the area, although it is a part of the state where most politicians rate him an underdog in his May 10 primary election contest with Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey (D-Minn). They are entered as candidates for the Democratic nomination for President, but no convention delegates will be bound by the outcome.

Last night Kennedy spoke in Logan (Pop. 5000). It is the seat of Logan County. Twenty years ago there were 15,000 working miners in the county. Today there are only 5,500, but they turn out greater tonnage.

Humphrey Will Visit City Friday

Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey (D-Minn), candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination, will make his second visit to Huntington Friday, it was announced today.

The senator will make a third visit Tuesday, May 3, to speak at a "Humphrey Day" public meeting at Camden Park.

Sen. Humphrey, engaged in a verbal battle with Sen. John (Jack) F. Kennedy (D-Mass) for the West Virginia presidential preference rating in the state's primary election May 10, will arrive in Huntington next Friday at 11:30 a. m. by motor caravan.

He will go first to his Cabell county campaign headquarters at 1025 Third Avenue to meet party and public friends. Refreshments will be served at that time.

Humphrey's luncheon plans are incomplete. In the afternoon the senator will tour the plant of the International Nickel Co., meeting executives and employees.

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