Newspaper Articles

The State Sentinel (Fayetteville)
April 27, 1960

Gauley Bridge

(By Ruby L. Winebrenner)
Phone 625

Kennedy Speaks

Sen. John Kennedy received a large ovation when he appeared at Gauley Bridge High School last week, speaking before the student body, who wished to hear him, and others.

After his talk there was a question and answer period with students asking the question. Naturally, one was the religious issue of which he spoke freely. Children and youth were certainly in line for autographs.

Falls View grade school children were crowding along the fence to watch the Kennedy bus pass, but when he saw them he stopped and talked to them. Everyone said he was a very patient man, but in politics they have to be.

On Thursday afternoon Franklin D. Roosevelt, jr., spoke at the hig[h] school in behalf of Sen. Kennedy. Both men received a very warm reception.

Roosevelt was introduced as "the son of the greatest president that ever lived" and my fourth grade daughter whispered to me, "Mother, I thought George Washington was the greatest president!" It must be remembered that our children are listening, reading and forming opinions. When Roosevelt was leaving the grade school children chrowded [sic] round to talk and get his autograph and one little boy remarked, "at least you write so we can read it, you couldn't read Sen. Kennedy's," which brought a big laugh from FDR Jr.

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