Newspaper Articles

Fayette Tribune
April 28, 1960

Senator Humphrey To Speak At Rally In County Saturday

Presidential Hopeful To Be At Fayetteville

Senator Hubert H. Humphrey today denounced what he called the Administration's "drag-gag-brag" approach to America's economic problems.

The Democratic candidate for President is expected to use similar words at a big rally which is set for Fayette's Memorial building, at Fayetteville, Saturday at 8 p.m.

According to Zane Summerfield, county Democrat campaign manager, the Fayetteville high school band will turn out for the program.

Mrs. Hubert Humphrey will accompany the Democratic presidential aspirant on his return trip to Fayette county. It was during his first visit that Senator Humphrey attracted wide-spread attention among countians, and took a lead in a poll, taken by the Tribune and Montgomery Herald.

Senator Humphrey is scheduled to arrive in Fayetteville about 6 p.m. He will dine privately at the home of former U. S. Senator and Mrs. W. R. Laird III.

At 7 p.m. Senator Humphrey will arrive at the Memorial building, Fayetteville, for a reception, sponsored by the Fayetteville Democrat Woman's club.

Then at 8 p.m. a rally will take place at the Fayette County Memorial building. Senator Laird will introduce Senator Humphrey. Arrangements are in charge of R. J. Thrift jr.

Humphrey is scheduled to leave Fayetteville at 9:30 p.m. He will leave in his campaign bus from Fayetteville and will arrive at 10:45 p.m. in Charleston at the Ruffner hotel.

On his trip to Fayetteville Senator Humphrey will stop in each of the communities enroute to greet local Democratic leaders, meet citizens and speak briefly on issues of the campaign.

The Senator was enthusiastic over his previous tours through the county, "West Virginians are my kind of people and West Virginia is a forgotten state so far as the Republican Administration is concerned. I want to see all of it and talk to all the people," he declared.

In and outdoor, street-corner speech in front of the old post office building, Capitol and Quarrier streets in Charleston, today, Senator Humphrey followed up his charges of "drag-gag-brag" criticism of the Republican Administration by calling for federal policies to encourage the growth of the nation's economy as part of the ten-point program of Progress for West Virginia's economic revival. He demanded an end to tight-money, high-interest policies "which stifle our economic growth."

The tireless and enthusiastic campaigner will travel, as usual, in a chartered bus, taking along his own musicians to help entertain the crowds.

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