Newspaper Articles

Raleigh Register
April 29, 1960

Small Turnout Hears Senator's Brother Aver:

Jack Kennedy Only Demo To Beat Nixon

Handsome Ted Kennedy assured a small crowd of Raleigh Countains [sic]Thursday night that his brother is the presidential candidate they want:a winner in November who, if elected, will affect policy to alleviate the economic situation in West Virginia and other depressed areas.

"Holding down the fort" for his brother, U. S. Senator John F. Kennedy (D-Mass.), wile the senator is in Washington, Ted said Jack is the only Democratic candidate who can win the presidency in November.

At the same time, he declared that U. S. Senator Hubert H. Humphrey (D-Minn.), Kennedy's opponent in the May 10 presidential primary in West Virginia, "has no chance of winning the nomination or becoming president."

"Whether we like it or not," Ted said, "we will be facing a vigorous and worthwhile opponent (Vice President Richard Nixon) in November, and we must select a candidate who can win."

He cited Nixon's "tremendous endorsement" in the recent Pennsylvania primary election, in which he received more votes than President Eisenhower did in 1956.

Boosting his brother, Ted said recent primary elections have proved that Senator Kennedy is the only Democrat candidate to keep pace with Nixon, and "I'm sure you want to vote for a man who can beat Dick Nixon."

It was pointed out that Kennedy, in Pennsylvania, received 18,000 write-in votes, while his closest rival on the Democratic ticket, Adlai Stevenson, polled only 25,000. His opponent in the state primary got only 10,000 votes.

Ted said enthusiasm toward his brother has been mounting during the past few weeks. He said, between now and election, Kennedy forces will visit every city and county they possibly can.

Candidates seemed to outnumber spectators at the meeting, which was sponsored by the Raleigh County Young Democrats Club. Approximately 150 persons were in the Criminal Courtroom for the meeting, including numerous candidates for office, who were allowed a few minutes to talk. . . .

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