Newspaper Articles

Charleston Gazette
April 30, 1960

Kennedy Will Stump Area Today

Sen. John F. Kennedy will resume campaigning in Kanawha County today with a round of visits capped by an appearance in St. Albans Junior High School at a public Kennedy rally.

He will be accompanied by his wife, Jacqueline, at the rally.

His schedule for today:

Slim Robertson's store at Eskdale, 11:45 a. m.; Chesapeake, 12:45 p. m.; Marmet Coal Co. property next to Kroger store, Marmet, 1:15 p. m.; Kanawha City Kroger store, 2:45 p. m.; handshaking appearances outside J. C. Penney, Diamond, Stone and Thomas and Coyle and Richardson department stores, 3:15 to 4 p. m.; South Charleston mound, 4:30 p. m.; Upton's Creek, 5:15 p. m.; Unitarian Church, North Charleston, 7:15 p. m.; Dunbar Democratic Rally, city building, 7:30 p. m.; Nitro-St. Albans rally, St. Albans Junior High School, 8:30 p. m.

While Sen. Kennedy stumps the county, Franklin D. Roosevelt will appear in his behalf at five West Virginia communities. Roosevelt will speak at 9:30 a.m. in Richwood; at noon in Camden-on-Gauley; at 1 p. m. in Cowen; at 4 p. m. in Parsons; and at 8 p. m. in Rainelle.

Minnesota Governor Likes Jerry

Gov. Orville Freeman of Minnesota couldn't have chosen a more popular theme for the people of Chelyan.

He talked about Jerry West.

Gov. Freeman quickly got around to talking about Sen. Hubert Humphrey, but West got earlier mention in a talk Friday night at Chelyan Junior High School.

Addressing members of the Cabin Creek District Democratic Club, Gov. Freeman said the people of Minnesota "are mighty proud" to have West, the West Virginia University basketball star, playing with the professional Minneapolis Lakers.

Since West signed a contract with the Minneapolis team, Gov. Freeman said, Minnesota and West Virginia have an additional common interest.

The Lakers, Gov. Freeman said, are at their best when they play the fast break and control the boards, and "that is the kind of government Hubert Humphrey would give this country, instead of watching helplessly as our enemies roll up the score."

Gov. Freeman spoke earlier Friday at West Virginia State College. Following his Chelyan talk, he joined a discussion group at B'nai Jacob Synagogue.

At the college, Gov. Freeman declared that "Hubert Humphrey . . . understands the difference between a philosophy of scarcity and a philosophy of abundance, and is determined to find new answers to old problems to create a better life for all of us."

At State Republican Women's Meet

State Campaign Attacked

Bluefield - Mrs. Clare B. Williams, assistant chairman of the Republican national Committee, attacked the Democratic primary presidential campaign here Friday branding the move as "an insult to the intelligence of the people of West Virginia."

Mrs. Williams addressed the luncheon meeting of the spring conference of the West Virginia Federation of Republican Women's Clubs.

Continuing her remarks on the presidential primary in West Virginia, Mrs. Williams stated that, "the nation is being treated to a second Civil War among the Democrats who have chosen your state to put on their political side show".

"Surely," she continued, "Humphrey and Kennedy would do better to stay in Washington and vote on measures to aid this state."

Mrs. Williams informed the group that she had checked the Congressional Quarterly for records on the presidential hopeful's records. In relating her findings, Mrs. Williams said, "this pair of gladhanders did not bother to register either a 'yea' or a 'nay' on no fewer than eight bills vitally important to West Virginia."

Including 1959 and 1960, Mrs. Williams listed among these bills an Air Force Construction bill, a housing bill, a coal bill, farm bill and a school construction measure. She added, "every one of the bills would have a direct impact on West Virginia's economy".

Mrs. Williams said, "women can win the 1960 election because three million more women than men will be eligible to vote. Fewer and fewer women are voting the way they are told to vote because women are becoming better-informed about political issues and realities."

Commenting that women are more and more influential in political life, Mrs. Williams said, "women have an emotional allegiance to a cause or a candidate that carries them through the hard work needed to win campaigns".

Mrs. Regis Heinzer of Charleston, president of the state group, conducted the Friday sessions.

Speakers at the Friday night dinner meeting were Gov. Cecil H. Underwood and Mrs. Peter Gibson, president of the National Federation of Republican Women's Clubs.

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