Newspaper Articles

Weirton Daily Times
April 30, 1960

Kennedy Guest Speaker

1,000 Reservations For Weirtonian Club Banquet

One-thousand reservations have been made for the Weirtonian Lodge banquet to be held Sunday in the Weirton Community Center. The banquet will commemorate the anniversary of the local lodge.

Mayor David T. Frew has issued a special proclamation designating May 1 as "Weirtonian Club Day."

United States Senator John F. Kennedy will be the featured speaker and is expected to arrive in Weirton at 6:30. We [He] will be met with a cavalcade of cars at the Wheeling Airport along with Mrs. Kennedy. They will be immediately escorted to the Weirton Community Center.

Kennedy comes from an illustrious family which has already won its fame in history. John was born May 29th, 1917, he was awarded honorary Doctor of Law degrees by eighteen colleges and Universities, including Harvard, Notre Dame, and Brandeis. In 1946 he was voted one of the "Most outstanding Young Men in America" by the U.S. Junior Chamber of Commerce.

Entering the Navy in 1941, Senator Kennedy served as a PT Boat commander in the South Pacific during World War II. He was decorated twice by the Navy for serious injuries. Those injuries still plague him.

In 1940 he wrote Why England Slept, a best selling account of England's unpreparedness for war. His Father Joseph P. Kennedy was Ambassador to England before the war. Senator John's most recent book, PROFILES IN COURAGE, received the Pulitzer Prize in the field of Biography for 1956. He is the author of dozens of magazine articles in national magazines.

Five elections brought the young Bostonian live [five] victories and a seat in the House of Representatives from 1946 to 1952. In 1952 he defeated Henry Cabot Lodge in the race for the U.S. Senate.

At this time he is a presidential hopeful for a place on the National Democratic ticke[t] in November presidential election. . . .

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