Newspaper Articles

Clarksburg Exponent
May 10, 1960

New Democratic Administration Would Help Area Coal Mines, Glass Factories, Majority Leader Johnson Says

Johnson Raps GOP Failures While In City

Majority Leader Comments on Area Problems, Lauds West Virginia Senators, Congressmen

Men who work in the coals mines and glass plants of Central West Virginia, the members of their families and the businessmen with whom they deal have a great deal at stake in the election of a Democratic administration this year, in the opinion of Majority Leader Lyndon B. Johnson of the United States Senate.

The internationally famous Texan said so Saturday during a press conference at the Stonewall Jackson Hotel when an Exponent representative asked him whether the national administration would do anything about the present unfair competition for Central West Virginia coal and glass.

"If you are speaking of the present administration, the answer is no," Senator Johnson replied. "I think that the present government will drift until next January. The new Democratic government will do something about the problems that affect so many states in the Union."

He predicted that the new administration will have "vigor and initiative."

"A government," he continued, "that considers the realities and what is to be gained by certain affairs of the world.

"In my opinion our exports are going down and our imports are going up, and the time has come when we need another good Jesse Jones in Washington, and we need to talk to the other liberty-loving people in the world in terms of 'quid pro quo.'

"I can't tell you how proud I am to be in West Virginia, the city and state of John W. Davis," he declared.

"I wouldn't come into West Virginia without mentioning one of the greatest Democrats of all time - Matt Neely."

In his later address at the Masonic Temple Senator Johnson also lauded former Secretary of Defense Louis A. Johnson of Clarksburg.

Stressing that he was in Clarksburg only to help with a fund-raising campaign he quoted from a letter written to him in April, 1959, by the chairman of the Harrison County Democratic Executive Committee, Ben B. Stout, asking him to come here.

"Early in January we firmed up this date," he resumed, "and that is why I am here."

Senator Johnson had especially great praise for U. S. Senators Jennings Randolph and Robert C. Byrd of West Virginia, both of whom were in the room. He told of their efforts and of the efforts of the five Democratic Congressmen from West Virginia to obtain additional surplus food for West Virginians.

"I work very closely in Congress with the five Democratic Congressmen from West Virginia," he declared. "No members of the Senate have worked more effectively with me than the two Senators from West Virginia, Jennings Randolph and Bob Byrd..."

Senator Johnson praised West Virginia University. Babcock is [sic] Virginia's wonderful labor supply, deplored the fact that it is the fiftieth state in the Union so far as its percentage of defense contracts is concerned and predicted that a new Democratic administration would be able to do much for West Virginia industry.

"Some of these space projects should be in West Virginia, and let us put some of these military contracts in West Virginia," he suggested.

Senator Johnson supported the Eisenhower foreign policy moves but assailed Eisenhower's administration for failure to give attention to the problems at home.

"I see no reason," the Senator declared, "if they can go to Asia, Africa and other places, why they shouldn't also visit some of the folks at home."

At a recent press conference a newspaperwoman asked President Eisenhower about the reason for the failure to furnish sufficient surplus food for the needy in West Virginia, and one of the visiting newspaperwomen also asked Senator Johnson concerning this.

He replied that he didn't wish to comment on the President's press conference. He did point out, however, that time and time again he had sent people to the Agriculture Department and to the White House urging action on the West Virginia problem.

He deplored the fact that the National Administration, while giving billions of dollars in money away abroad, had refused to lend money needed by Americans. "Increased taxes would pay twice the interest the government has to pay on those loans," Senator Johnson asserted.

The press conference was attended by more than a score of visiting newspapermen and newspaperwomen, most of them from Eastern dailies. Several West Virginia papers were represented.

More Than 500 At Dinner For Sen. Johnson

Harrison County Fun[d]raising Affair Successful - Johnson Lauds Democratic Congress

Enthusiasm such as has seldom been in evidence here prevailed Saturday as more than 500 West Virginia Democrats attended a fund-raising dinner at which Majority Leader Lyndon B. Johnson of the United States Senate and other national-known figures spoke.

Democrats from throughout West Virginia were present, among them Attorney General W. W. Barron and State Democratic Chairman Hulett C. Smith, both of whom seek the Democratic nomination for Governor in today's balloting.

The Rev. William C. Bowie, rector of Christ Episcopal Church, gave the invocation after the meeting had been opened by Harrison County Democratic Chairman Ben B. Stout.

Chairman Stout reminded the visiting newsmen and newswomen present that they were covering a story in a room (the Masonic Temple) where the late John W. Davis, the 1924 Democratic presidential nominee; U. S. Senator M. M. Neely, and former Secretary of Defense Louis A. Johnson had been speakers.

In introducing the toastmaster, U. S. Senator Jennings Randolph, Stout predicted that he will be re-elected in West Virginia in November "by 150,000 votes."

One of the first men Senator Randolph introduced was J. Z. Terrell, a retired railroad official and a former president of the West Virginia Board of Control. He also gave an early introduction to Rep. Cleveland M. Bailey of Clarksburg, who is dean of the West Virginia delegation in Congress.

In presenting Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr., Senator Randolph told of his work with the former's father, the late President Roosevelt, during the "100 Days Congress in 1933."

"I believe," Randolph declared, "that that Congress did more for the people in 100 days than the Eisenhower administration has done in seven-and-one-half years."

Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr. told of his support for U. S. Senator John F. Kennedy, a presidential candidate in the West Virginia primary, and declared that "the Kennedy and Roosevelts" would be behind whoever is nominated by the Democrats.

Mrs. Violet Snedegar of Elkins, Democratic National Committeewoman for West Virginia, was the next person introduced.

Senator Humphrey, who arrived late in the banquet hall, had thrown his arms around Lyndon Johnson in a gesture of friendship while the cameras clicked.

"I have been a friend of Lyndon Johnson a long time," Senator Humphrey declared. "He is the kind of Democrat I like because we can disagree without being disagreeable."

Senator Humphrey introduced his son, 12-year-old Douglas, his sister, Mrs. Frances Howard, and his wife, Mrs. Muriel Humphrey, all guests at the banquet.

"I don't have as many brothers as Jack Kennedy has, but I have more kids," Senator Humphrey wisecracked as he introduced Douglas.

Humphrey spoke of "my good friend Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr." and recalled "the days when he used to campaign for me."

Senator Robert C. Byrd told of his happiness at being back in Clarksburg again, after his introduction by Senator Randolph.

John Amos, Democratic National Committeeman for West Virginia, introduced Majority Leader Johnson and referred to him as "the third Senator from West Virginia."

Senator Johnson called for "the reelection of Jennings Randolph, one of the ablest members of the Senate."

He read a statement in which he recognized an international crisis in the plane incident in Russia and pledged that the United States will have the full support of both political parties in this and any other international crisis.

"I am honored that Mr. John Amos should present me as the third Senator from West Virginia," Senator Johnson asserted. "I am proud to be in this area that gave to American men like John W. Davis and Louis Johnson, and our journalistic friend, Holmes Alexander."

As he had at his earlier press conference, Senator Johnson deplored the fact that West Virginia ranks 50th among the states in the number of defense contracts.

Simple Majority Will Decide Issue, Sen. Humphrey Says

U. S. Senator Hubert H. Humphrey says that a simple majority of the votes will decide the winner of today's primary in West Virginia.

The Senator made the comments during a press interview at 10 o'clock Saturday night in his room at the Stonewall Jackson Hotel.

"In every election I have heard of that you win, you win by a majority," the Senator declared. "When I didn't get a majority in Wisconsin, I was defeated."

The Senator said that he had observed that there are dire economic circumstances in part of West Virginia, while other parts of the state are in fairly good economic condition.

Many changes are ahead in the industry of the Nation, Senator Humphrey believes. He pointed out that in some foreign countries they are piping electrical power more than 750 miles to new hydro-projects.

Senator Humphrey pointed to the importance of analyzing thhe [sic] overall economic and social impact of automation.

Senator Humphrey will be in the Charleston-Huntington area until after the election.

More Than 2,500 Present At Kennedy Open House Here

U. S. Senator John F. (Jack) Kennedy, scheduled to be at an open house Sunday afternoon at the Stonewall Jackson Hotel, couldn't make it because his plane was grounded by bad weather, but his brother, Bob Kennedy, was on hand, along with a cousin, Polly Fitzgerald, and members of the Senator's staff, and a tremendous crowd turned out to greet them.

Coffee and cakes were served to all who attended, and much of the crowd remained at the hotel more than two hours.

J. Frank Wiseman and Victor Gabriel, co-chairmen here for Kennedy, assisted in greeting the crowd. Wiseman said Monday night that he believed that "between 2,500 and 3,000 people" shook hands with Bob Kennedy.

"It was far more than we anticipated," Wiseman declared. "It was really tremendous."

Wiseman Monday night predicted that Senator Kennedy will get a tremendous vote in Harrison County and that at least 65 percent of the Democratic vote will go to the polls. "There seems to be a tremendous amount of interest," Wiseman asserted in discussing the large number of visitors on Monday at the Kennedy headquarters.

The open house here on Sunday was the climax of a series of Kennedy-for-President programs. Senator Kennedy himself recently spoke during a coffee hour here and visited local factories. His brothers, Bob and Ted, have been here on various occasions, and there have been intermittent visits by Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr., a Kennedy supporter.

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