Newspaper Articles

Ravenswood News
April 28, 1960


Please Sir, It's West Virginia

Senator John Kennedy, who will visit Ravenswood this Sunday in his bid to gain acceptance of West Virginia voters, recently wrote State Senator Paul Moore Concerning [sic] his thinking on several matters which affect West Virginia.

Kennedy's letter, of course, came after a specific inquiry by Senator Moore to the various candidates. Sen. Kennedy said he would elaborate more on each given point, but generally he:

(1) Had long supported an area redevelopment law and has sponsored and co-sponsored bills on this subject.

(2) Would seek to remedy any Federal discrimination against West Virginia in regard to Federal projects which would provide more payroll for Mountain State residents.

(3) Felt West Virginia should be given preference for defense contracts because of its high rate of unemployment. "This is particularly true of states like West Virginia which have a large proportion of small businesses," Sen. Kennedy said.

(4) Favors a high level of construction activity in the interstate highway program within West Virginia, because "a good interstate highway program can be the foundation of business expansion."

But then Kennedy, or his secretary at any rate, proceeded to foul up all his fine statements by mailing the letter to Sen. Moore to the West Virginia Legislature in Richmond, Virginia.

Letter to the Editor

Dear Mark [Mark Ethridge Jr., Publisher]:

If you have not already come to a decision about the Democratic candidates in your forthcoming Presidential primary, may I urge you to give earnest consideration to Hubert Humphrey?

I have been continually impressed with Senator Humphrey ever since I heard him speak in the Senate three years ago when I was rattling around in your country. The intelligence and candor with which he discusses the genuine issues of our times and country are political rarities. At the Fresno convention of the California Democratic Council of Clubs Humphrey came to a midnight session after a grueling 48 hours of campaigning and a major speech and answered more than an hour's worth of penetrating questions from about 200 people present in the detail and with the warmth that won him the respect of that entire convention. Just among other things he is an indefatigable campaigner.

Senator Humphrey believes that the people are entitled to a high level exposition of the candidates' views. I don't think that there's any question that the discussion of the issues by Senators Kennedy and Humphrey in Wisconsin will leave its impress on the entire Presidential campaign. I do hope you will join me in supporting Senator Humphrey.

Regards to all in Ravenswood.

Donald L. Stofle
3933 Nelson Drive
Palo Alto, California

April 12, 1960

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