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Child of the Rebellion: West Virginia Sesquicentennial
Civil War Union Militia Correspondence

Barbour County West, Va
June the 6th, 1864

Mr Arthur I. Boreman Govenor[sic] of west Virginia I whant to no why my Regiment is not Reorganized as other Regiment are we as loyal men of west, Va whant[sic] orders from you as govinor[sic] to gave me orders to that Effect and I will obey the Sam[sic] I and Nathan H, Taft organized the Sam[sic] Regiment in the year 1862 and I think we aught[sic] to be Reorganized there is nothing to hinder it our Colonel is not a loyal man I will take my Commission as major as I am major of the 169th Regt va mil militia we whant this Regiment Reorganized and Renumbered and if you will gave me the power I will do this I will Reorgnize[sic] this Regiment

Concerning our Colonel I Can furnish You with a petition from the officers of his Command that he is not a loyal man if you wish and so long as he is in Command there will be nothing don[sic] to keep this Regiment in orders take my advise[sic] as a friend never let him have a Commission wright to me and let me no your views on the Subject direct your favior to Phillipi Barbour County, W, Va to major Benjamin Simon of the 169th Regiment Virginia militia wright Soon as this Comes to hand ye yours truly

Transcription by James Bailes, undergraduate student enrolled in Dr. Billy Joe Peyton's Fall 2010 "Introduction to Public History" at West Virginia State University

Militia Box 01, Folder 2

West Virginia Archives and History