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Child of the Rebellion: West Virginia Sesquicentennial
Civil War Union Militia Correspondence

The State of West Virginia,
To Robert Hager Dr

Date Dolls. Cents
August 1861
For the following subsistence and supplies
furnished Capt. John Spurlock Company "A" 187th Regiment Va. Militia
Two beef cows @ 20.00 $40 00
Five Pounds Powder " 80 cents $4 00
Seven " Lead " 14 2 /7 " $1 00
_______________________$45 00_

I certify that the above account is correct and just; and that no subsistence or supply was furnished my Company by The State or United States authorities during the time charged for.

John Spurlock
Capt. Cmd'g Co. A. 187th Reg't W.V. Militia

Received, Wheeling, W. Va. , this 28th day of July 1868, of
A. I. Boreman, Governor of West Virginia
Forty-five Dollars
Dollars Cents , in full of the above account.

$45 11/100

Robert Hager

Transcription by Brandon Shuping, undergraduate student enrolled in Dr. Billy Joe Peyton's Fall 2010 "Introduction to Public History" at West Virginia State University

Militia Box 01, Folder 15

West Virginia Archives and History