
Boone County Union Militia Letters

Transcription by Linda Dotson

Charleston, WVa
April 5th 1866

Col. Geo. W. Brown
Quartermaster General WVa
Wheeling, WVa

I have the honor to receive yours of the 27th ?. I would inquire what provision will be made for the payment of Capt. Adkins Co of Boone Co. You did not mention that Co & the men of it are the ones who have been to see me more frequently. And will you inform me what will be the average amount Adkins men will receive. Some of the men request me to ascertain this. They seem to fear that all is not right with their officers.

A number of men who enlisted in my Regiment in the summer of 1864 from Capt. Brooks Co of the State troops clam that they have never received all their pay from the State for their services while in that company. I am informed that twenty five (25) claim that their payments where short, eight (8) have reported to me as per list below and wish me to investigate.

Redmond Martin enlisted in Capt. Bs Co January 10th 1964 and served until August 9th 1864 and received but $29.50
Wm. S. Hill served from April 1864 until August 29/64 receiving $7.00
Gordon Hill " " January 1864 " Sept 1-64 " $33.50
John McCormack " " February " " Sept 2-64 " $37.00
Joseph McClure " " January " " Aug 22-64 " $45.00
John Dunlap " " May " " Sept 2-64 not paid
Wm. T. Dunlap " " Feb " " Aug 29-64 " $32.50
Addison Dunlap " " May 9 " " Aug 29-64 never paid

All these men enlisted in my Regiment & they say Capt Brooks would not pay them from May until September because he charged them with being deserters as they left his Co for the US Service. Will you please examine this matter & let me hear from you as soon as convenient.

I am very truly
Your obedient servant
John H. Oley

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Boone County Union Militia Letters

West Virginia Archives and History