

Union Militia

Monongalia County Transcriptions

From: Peter Tennant
Date: 29 June 1861

Monongalia Couny Va

We Peter A. Tenant, S. H. Showalters and R. A. White being the three officers of highest grade present at an Election of 1st Major in the 178th Regiment and not candidates for promotion in that Election but Superintending the Same do hereby certify that the votes of all the officers present being given viva voce a majority was found to be in favour of John G. Wiedman who was thereby duly Elected 1st Major of the Said Regiment to fill a vacancy occasiond by the Paul Shriver failure to qualify that the Election was held on the 2nd day of May 1861 at E. B. Tygards pursuant to an order of A. Garrison Commandant of the Regiment that a majority of the officers entitled to vote were present and that the election was fairly and justly conducted.

Given under our hands this 29th day of June 1861.

Peter A. Tennant, Capt.
S. H. Showalter, Capt.
Richard A. White, Capt.

From: Peter A. Tennant, S. H. Showalter, and Richard A. White
Date: 29 June 1861

Monongalia County Va.

We Peter A. Tenant S. H. Showalters and R. A. White being the three officers of highest grade present at an election of Lieutenant Col in the 178th Regiment and not Candidates for promotion in that election but Superintending the same do here by certify that the votes of all the officers present being given viva voce a majority was found to be in favor of Daniel White who was thereby duly elected Lieutenant Colonel of the Said Regiment to fill a vacancy occasiond by the failure of Jacob ? To qualify to the former Lieut. Col that the election was held on the 2nd day of May 1861 at E. B. Tygards persuant to an order of A Garrison Commandant of the Regiment that a majority of the officers Entitled to vote were present and that the Election was fairly and Justly Conducted

Given under our hands this 29 day of June 1861

Peter A. Tennant Capt
S H Showalter Capt
Richard A. White Capt

From: Peter A.Tenant,S.H.Showalter, Richard C.White
Date: 29 June 1861

Monongalia County Va
We Peter A.Tenant S.H.Showalter and R.A.White being the three officers of highest grade present at an election of 2nd Major in the 178 Regiment and not candidates for promotion in that Election but Superintending the same do hereby Certify that the votes of all the officers present being given viva voce a majority was found to be in favor of Thompson Strosnider who was duly elected 2nd Major of the Said Regiment to fill a vacancy occasioned by R.S.Thomas Refusing to qualify that the election was held on the 2nd day of May 1861 at EBTygards persuant to an order of A.Garrison Commandant of the Regiment that a magority of the officers entitled to vote were present and that the election was fairly and gustly conducted Given under our hand this 29 day of June 1861

Peter A.Tenant Capt
S.H.Showalter Capt
Richard A.White Capt

From: Peter A. Tennant, S. H. Showalter, and Richard A. White
Date: 29 June 1861

Monongalia County Va We Peter A.Tenant S.H.Showalters and R.A.White being the three officers of highest grade present at an Election of Colonel in the 178th Regiment and not Candidates for promotion in that election but Superintending the Same do hereby certify that the votes of all officers present being given viva voce a majority was found to be in favor of Charles M.Oliphant who was thereby duly elected Colonel of the Said Regiment to fill a vacancy occasiond by the failure of Adam Tenant to qualify upon the ground he was no Candidate The above election held on the 2nd day of May 1861 at E.B.Tygards pursuant to an order of A.Garrison Commandant of the Regiment
That the Election was fairly and justly Conducted Given under our hands 29 day of June 1861

Peter A.Tennant Capt
S H Showalter Capt
Richard A White Capt

From: Prichard A. White
Date: 6 July 1861

July the 6th 1861
Wadestown, Monongalia County, State of Va.
As I was one of the officers at the election of the field officers of the 2nd day of May 1861 having not sent for those comisions until the present time we now send to you and if there is annything wrong in it you can send us a few lines and let us know immediately if they are right you can send them to Wadestown Mon. C, S. of Va.

yors as ever
Prichard A. White Capt 17 Regt

From: E.B. Brunker
Date: 15 July 1861

Morgantown Monongalia Co Wva
July 15, 1861


J.M. Heck the Atty for the Commwlth in this cty has accepted a comm. As Lt-Col in Confed Army & has been absent from the county for some 2 months., At the May term 61 the Cty Court appointed the writer Atty for Cmnwlth pro tempore but did not declare the Office vacant & order a new Election, until such an order is made is not Heck the Atty? What effect has the action of the Legislature at Wheeling have as to this case, He has taken no oath to support the (illeg) of the U.S. or to support the new Gov't - as

On Monday we have a G. Jury. Will Indicts be of any Effect - under the present state of the case. While our code provides for the pro tem appointment of Clerks there is no such provision as to Atty for Cmnwlth - It seems to me that we can have no valid indictments or presentments until we have another Election & the oath of office is taken by that Officer -

Please let me know your opinion of the case.

Very Respfly-
E.B. Brunker
Atty at Law

From: Eugenious Shafer
Date: 22 August 1861

Monongalia County Gv't

I Eugenius Shaffer Major of the 140th Regiment of the Virginia Militia duly Commissioned by the Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia do hereby certify that on the 22nd day of August 1862 at Laurel Point in the County of Monongalia pursuant to orders received from Brig. Gen'l Cather and notice duly given, I superintended the Election of a Captain of the Company No.___ of the 140th Regiment where the votes of all the members present of said Company being given viva voce a majority was found to be in favor of Peter L. Lazell who was thereby duly elected Captain of the Said Company, that the persons present were entitled to vote and that the election was fairly and justly conducted.
Given under my hand this 22 day of August 1861.

Major 140th Regm't.
Eugenious Shafer

From: A Garrison
Date: 2 October 1861

October the 2nd 1861

Dear Sir I write to you for information on the Militia matters the base is this I was Commandor of the 178th Regiment in Monongalia Co I was the oldest Captain in the Reg't and no field at that time and I had my adjt Since that time Chas M Oliphant was elected Colonel of said Reg't and you tole me when I was in your office for said Oliphant to appoint his adjt and he appointed me and ordered me to muster the companies that has no Officers and now Sir the Adj't that acted under me when I was Commandor claims to have the wright to hold the Adjt Ship til after the next court The Colonel orders me to muster these vacant companies Said Colonel appointed me as his adj't.

And I contend he has no power as Adjt Give me your advise in haste as time of mustering these companies is at hand

I want to know of you whether I am the Proper Adjt or the old one that served under me quick if you Pleas

Respectively yours A Garrison

From: Capt. R. A. White
Date: 12 October 1861

Monongalia County, October 12, 1861

I, R. A. White, a Captain in the 178 Regiment do hereby certify that on the 12 day of October 1861 I superintended the election of a second lieutenant of one of the companies of that Regiment. When the votes of all the members of the Company present being given viva voce a majority was found to be in favor of Garard R. Pole, who was duly elected second lieutenant of the said company to fill a vacancy occasioned by not taking the presant oath and thata majority of the persons entitled to vote were fairly and justly conducted. Given under my hand this 12 day of October 1861.

R. A. White, Captain

From: C. M. Oliphant
Date: 12 October 1861

Monongalia County, Va., October 12, 1861

I, C. M. Oliphant, Commanding Officer of the 178 Regiment, 10 Brigad, 3 Divison, do hereby certify that on the 5 day of October 1861 I superintended the election of a second lieutenant of one of the companies of that Regiment when the votes of all the members of the Company presant being given viva Voce a majority was found to be in favor of Joshua Barakman, who was thereby elected second lieutenant of the said company to fill a vacancy occasiond by not taking the presant oath and that a majority of the persons entitled to vote were present and that the election was fairly and justly conducted given under my hand this 12 day of October 1861.

C. M. Oliphant, Col.

From: C. M. Oliphant
Date: 12 October 1861

Monongalia Co., Va., October 12, 1861

I, C. M. Oliphant, Commanding Officer of the 178 Regiment 10 Brigade, 3 Divison, do hereby certify that on the 5 day of October 1861 I superintended the election of a first lieutenant of one of the Companies of that Regiment. When the votes of all the members of the Company presant beng given viva voce a majority was found to be in favor of Jacob Sturgen who was thereby duly elected first lieutenant of the said company to fill a vacancy occasioned by not taking the presant oath and that a majority of the persons entitled to vote were present and that the election was fairly and justly conducted. Given under my hand this 12 day of October 1861.

C. M. Oliphant, Col.

From: C. M. Oliphant
Date: 12 October 1861

Monongalia County, Va., October 12, 1861

I, C. M. Oliphant, Col. of the 178 Reg. 10 Bergad, 3 Devison, do hereby certify that on the 5th day of October 1861 at pursuant to order C. M. Oliphant, Commanding Officer of the regiment, I superintended the election of a Captain of one of the Companies of that Regiment when then votes of all the members of the Company present being given viva voce a majority was found to be in faver of J. S. Conner who was thereby duly elected Captain of the said Company to fill a vacancy occasioned by the Resignation of Peter A Tennant, former Captain that a majority of the persons entitled to vote were present and that the election wasfairly and justly conducted given under my hand this 12 day of October 1861.

C. M. Oliphant, Col.

From: C. M. Oliphant
Date: 28 October 1861

Monongalia County Va

I C. M. Oliphant Colonel of the 178 Reg 10 bergad 3 divison do hereby Certify that on the 26 day of October 1861 I Superintended the Election of a first lieutenant of one of the Companies of that Regiment when the votes of all the members of the company present being given viva voce a majority was found to be in favor of Henry Whislar who was thereby duley elected first lieutenant of the said company to fill a vacancy occasioned by Resignation of Henry Sriver and that a majority of the persons Entitled to vote were present and that the Election was fairly and justly conducted given under my hand this 28 day of October 1861

C. M. Oliphant

From: C. M. Oliphant
Date: 28 October 1861

Monongalia County, Va. October 28, 1861

I, C. M. Oliphant, Colonel of the 178 Reg 10 Brgade 3 Devison do hereby certify that on the 26th day of October 1861 I superintended the election of a second lieutenant of one of the companies of that Regiment when the votes of all the members of the company presant being given viva voce a majority was found to be in favor of James O. Hennan who was thereby duly elected second lieutenant of the said company to fill a vacancy of Siles Hought former lieutenant for not taking the presant oath and that a majority of the persons entitled to vote were present and that the election was fairly and justly conducted. Given under my hand this 28th day of October 1861.

C. M. Oliphant, Col.

From: C. M. Oliphant
Date: 28 October 1861

Monongalia Conty VA

I C.M. Oliphant Colonel of the 178 Reg 10 bergad 3 devison to hereby Certify that on the 26 day of October 1861 i superintneded the Election of a Captian of one of the Companies of that Reg When the votes of all the members of the Company rpesent being given viva voce a majority was found to be in favor of Willis Wilson Haught Who was therby duly Elected Captain of the said Company to fill a vacancy occasioned by the faler of Samel Showallers former Captain for not taking the presant oath that a majority of the persons Entitled to vote were present and that the Election ws fairly and justly conducted

given under my hand this 28 day of October 1861
C.M. Oliphant

From: R. Finnell
Date: November 1861

I do hereby certify that on the 15th day of November 1861 I superintended the election of Ambrose Waters who was duely Capt of 1 of the Co of the 14th Regt.

R. Finnell
Col. Com. 140th Regt

To: Monongalia County Gvt.
From: F. R. Sinclair
Date: 15 November 1861

Monongalia County Gvt.

I F. R. Sinclair Adjt. of the 76 Regiment of the Virginia Militia duly appointed by the Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia, do hereby certify that on 15th day of Nov. 1861 at John N. Bakers, the County of Monongalia, pursuant to an order of F. R. Sinclair, Lieutenant Col. Commandant of the aforesaid Regiment and Notice duly given, I superintended the election of first lieutenant of the Company No. 7 of the 76 Regiment where the votes of all the members present of the said Company being given viva vaca, a majority was found to be in favor of Edgar C.Donaldson, who was thereby duly elected 1st Lieutenant of said Company in the organization thereof, that the persons present were entitled to vote, and that the election was fairly and justly conducted.

Given under my hand this 15th day of Nov. 1861
F. R. Sinclair, Adj. 76 Regiment

From: F. R. Sinclair
Date: 15 November 1861

Monongalia County Gvt

I F.R. Sinclair Adjt of the 76 Regiment of the Virginia Militia duly appointed by the Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia do here by certify that on the 15th day of Nov. 1861 at John N Bakers in the County of Monongalia pursuant to order of F R Sinclair Lieutenant Col. Commandant of the aforesaid Regiment and Notice duly given I superintended the Election of Second Lieutenant of the Company No 7 of the Regiment of the 10th Brigade and B Division of the Virginia Militia where the votes of all the Members present of said Company being given viva voca a Majority was found to be in favor of Leeroy C. Beals who was there by duly elected second Lieutenant of said company in the organization there of that persons present were entitled to vote and that the election was fairly and justly conducted
Given under my hand this 15th day of Nov. 1861

FR Sinclair Adjt 76 Regt

From: F. R. Sinclair
Date: 15 November 1861

Monongalia County Gvt.

I, F. R. Sinclair Adjt. of the 76 Regiment of the Virginia Militia duly appointed by the Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia, do hereby certify that on 15th day of Nov. 1861 at John N. Bakers, the County of Monongalia, pursuant to an order of F. R. Sinclair, Lieutenant Col. Commandant of the aforesaid Regiment and Notice duly given, I superintended the election of the captain of the Company No. 7 of the 76 Regiment where the votes of all the members present of the said Company being given viva vaca, a majority was found to be in favor of John Bower, who was thereby duly elected Captain of said Company in the organization thereof, that the persons present were entitled to vote, and that the election was fairly and justly conducted.

Given under my hand this 15th day of Nov. 1861
F. R. Sinclair, Adj. 76 Regiment

From: David Hawkins
Date: 22 November 1861

Capton John Youest
First Lieutenant C.J.Michael
Second Lieutenant Erwin Cordary

I do certify that on the 22th day of Nov 1861 I Superintended the Election in one of the Militia Company of the Line of the 140 Ridgement of the virginia Militia and the above names was duly and fairly Elected By the Majority of Said Company

David Hawkins

From: F. R. Sinclair
Date: 29 November 1861

Monongalia County Gv't., November 29, 1861.

I, F. R. Sinclair, Adj't of the 76th Regiment of the Virginia Militia duly appointed by Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia do hereby certify that on the 29th Day of November 1861 at Smithtown in the County of Monongalia pursuant to an order of F. R. Sinclair, Lieutenant Colonel of the aforesaid Regiment and notice duly given. I superintended the election of a Captain of the Company No. 1 of the 76 Regiment where the votes of all the members presant of the said company being given viva voca. A majority was found to be in favor of Tho's J. Jolliff, who was thereby duly elected Captain of the said company in the organization thereof, that the persons presant were entitled to vote and that the election was fairly and justly conducted.

Given under my hand this 29th day of Nov'r 1861.

F. R. Sinclair, Adj't. of the 76 Regiment, Va. Militia.

From: F. R. Sinclair
Date: 29 November 1861

Monongalia County Gv't., November 29, 1861

I, F. R. Sinclair, Adj't of the 76 Regiment of the Virginia Militia duly appointed by Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia do hereby certify that on the 29th day of November 1861 at Smithtown in the County of Monongalia, pursuant to an order of F. R. Sinclair, Lieutenant Col., Commandant of the aforesaid Regiment, and notice duly given. I superintended the election of first and second lieutenants of the Company No. 1 of the 76 Regiment of the 10th Brigade and 3rd Division of the Virginia Militia where the votes of all the members present of said Company being given viva voca. A majority was found to be in favor of Theopilus Devault for 1st lieutenant and James H. Hurry, second lieutenant, who was these by duly elected lieutenants of the said Company in the organization thereof, that the persons presant were entitled to vote and that the election was fairly conducted.

Given under my hand this 29th day of Nov'r. 1861.
F. R. Sinclair, Adj't of the 76 Regiment.

From: F.R.Sinclair
Date: 30 November 1861

Monongalia County Crt

I F R Sinclair Adjt of the 76 Regiment of the Virginia Militia duly apointed by the Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia do hereby certify that on the 30th day of Nov.1861 at Henry Hamiltons farm in the County of Monongalia pursuant to an order of F R Sinclair Lieutenant Col. Commandant of the aforesaid Regiment and notice duly given I Superintended the election of Second Lieutenant of Company No3 of the 76 Regiment where the votes of all the members present of said Company being given viva voca a majority was found to be in favor of Regin. T. Holland who was duly elected Second Lieutenant of the said Company in the organization thereof that the persons present were entitled to vote and that the election was fairly and justly Conducted
Given under my hand this 30th day of Nov 1861

FR Sinclair Adjt of 76 Regt.
Va Militia

From: F. R. Sinclair
Date: 30 November 1861

Monongalia County Gvt
I F. R. Sinclair Adjt of the 76 Regiment of the Virginia Militia duly appointed by the Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia do hereby certify that on the 30th day of Nov. 1861 at Henry Hamilton's farm in the county of Monongalia pursuant to an order of F. R. Sinclair Lieutenant Col. Commandant of the aforesaid Regt and notice duly given I superintended the election of first Lieutenant of the Company No 3 of the 76 Regiment where the votes of all the members present of said Company being given viva voce a majority was found to be in favor of John T. Holland who was duly elected 1st Lieutenant of the said Company in the organization thereof that the persons present were entitled to vote and that the election was fairly and justly conducted.
Given under my hand this 30th day of Nov. 1861

F. R. Sinclair Adjt 76 Regt

From: Franklin R. Sinclair
Date: 30 November 1861

Monongalia County Gvt.

I F. R. Sinclair Adjt. Of 76 Regiment of the Virginia Militia duly appointed by the Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia do hereby certify that on the 30th day of Nov. 1861 at Henry Hamilton's farm in the county of Monongalia pursuant to an order of F. R. Sinclair Lieutenant Col. Commandant of the aforesaid Regiment and notice duly given. I superintended the election of a Captain of the Company No. B of the said 76 Regiment where the votes of all the members present of said Company being given Viva Voca a Majority was found in favour William S Holland who was thereby duly elected Captain of the said Company in the organization thereof that the persons present were entitled to vote and that the election was fairly conducted. Given under my hand this 30th day of November 1861.

Franklin R. Sinclair Adjt. 76th Regiment Va Militia

From: Franklin R. Sinclair
Date: 5 December 1861

Monongalia County Gvt

I F.R. Sinclair Adjt of the 76 Regiment of the Virginia Militia duly appointed by the Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia do here by certify that on the 5th day of Dec. 1861 at the Burnt Fields in county of Monongalia pursuant to an order of F.R. Sinclair Lieutenant Col. Commandant of the aforesaid Regiment and notice duly given. I superintended the election of a Lieutenant of the Company No 5 of the Regiment where the votes of All the Members present of said company being given viva voca. A Majority was found to be in favor of Jahu Stewart so he was there by duly elected Second Lieutenant of the said Company in the organization thereof that the persons present were entitled to vote and that the election was fairly and justly Conducted.
Given under my hand this 5 of Dec. 1861

Franklin R Sinclair Adjt of
76 Regiment Va. Militia

From: F. R. Sinclair
Date: 5 December 1861

Monongalia County, Va., Decmeber 5, 1861

I, F. R. Sinclair, Adj. of the 76 Regiment of the Virginia Malitia, duly appointed by the Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia do hereby certify that on the 5th day of December 1861, at the Burnt Fields in the County of Monongalia, pursuant to an order of F. R. Sinclair, Lieutenant Commandant of the 76 Reg't of the 10th Brigade and third Division of the Virginia Militia and Notice duly given. I superintended the election of first lieutanant of the Company No. 5 of the 76 Regiment where the votes of all the members presentof said Company being given viva voca. Majority was found to be in favor of John Lewellen, who was thereby duly elected first lieutenant of the said Company in the organization thereof that the persons presant were entitled to voe and that the election was fairly and justly conducted. Given under my hand this 5th day of Dec. 1861.

F. R. Sinclair, Adj't. 76 Reg't.

From: F. R. Sinclair
Date: 6 December 1861

Monongalia County, Grt.
I F. R. Sinclair, Adjt. of the 76 Regiment of the Virginia Militia duly appointed by the Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia do hereby certify that on the 6th day of Dec 1861 at Coleman Vandervort's in the County of Monongalia pursuant to an order of F. R. Sinclair, Lieutenant Col. Commandant of the aforesaid Regt., and notice duly given. I superintended the election of a Captain of the Company C of the 76 Regiment where the votes of all the members present of said Company being given viva voce a majority of the votes was found to be in favor of W. I. Vandervort, who was thereby duly elected Captain of the said Company in the organization thereof: that the persons present were entitled to vote and that the election was fairly conducted.

Given under my hand this 6th day of Dec. 1861
F. R. Sinclair, Adjt 76 Regt

To: Monongalia County Gvt
From: F. R. Sinclair
Date: 6 December 1861

Monongalia County Gvt,
I F. R. Sinclair Adjt of the 76 Regiment of the Virginia Militia duly apointed by the Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia do hereby certify that on the 6th day of December 1861 at Coleman Vandervorts in the County of Monongalia pursuant to an order of F. R. Sinclair Lieutenant Col. Commandant of the aforesaid Regiment and notice duly given I superintended the election of 1st Lieutenant of the Company No C of the 76 Regiment where the votes of all the members present of said Company being given viva voce a majority was found to be in favor of Oliver Bayles who was thereby duly elected 1st Lieutenant of the said Company in the organization thereof. That the persons present were entitled to vote and that the election was fairly and justly conducted.

F. R. Sinclair Adjt of 76 Regt

From F. R. Sinclair
Date: 6 December 1861

Monongalia County, Grt.
I F. R. Sinclair, Adjt. of the 76 Regiment of Virginia Militia duly apointed by the Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia do certify that on the 6th day of Dec 1861 at Coleman Vandervort's in the County of Monongalia pursuant to an order of F. R. Sinclair, Lieutenant Col. Commandant of the aforesaid Regt., and notice duly given I superintended the election of 2nd Lieutenant of the Company No. C of the 76 Regiment where the votes of all the members present of said Company being given viva voce a majority of the votes was found to be in favor of Coleman Vandervort, who was duly elected Second Lieutenant of the said Company in the organization thereof: that the persons present were entitled to vote and that the election was fairly and justly conducted.

Given under my hand this 6th day of December 1861
F. R. Sinclair, Adjt of the 76 Regt

From: F. R. Sinclair
Date: 7 December 1861

Monongalia County, Grt.
I F. R. Sinclair, Adjt. of the 76 Regiment of the Virginia Militia duly appointed by the Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia do hereby certify that on the 7th day of Dec 1861 at Morgantown in the County of Monongalia pursuant to an order of F. R. Sinclair, Lieutenant Col. Commandant of the aforesaid Regt., and notice duly given. I superintended the election of a Captain of the Company No. 4 of the 76 Regiment where the votes of all the members present of said Company being given viva voce a majority was found to be in favor of John O. Vangilder, who was thereby duly elected Captain of the said Company in the organization thereof: that the persons present were entitled to vote and that the election was fairly and justly conducted.

F. R. Sinclair, Adjt of the 76 Regt

From: F. R. Sinclair
Date: 9 December 1861

Monongalia County Gvt I, F.R.Sinclair Adjt of the 76 Regiment of the Virginia Militia duly appointed by the Governor of the Comonwealth of Virginia, do hereby certify that on 7th day Decr 1861 at Morgantown in the county of Monongalia pursuant to an order of F.R. Sinclair Lieutenant Col. Commandant of the aforesaid Regiment and Notice duly given I superentended the Election of a second Lieutenant of the Company No 4 of the 76 Regiment where the votes of all the Members present of the said Company being given vivavoce a Majority was found to be in favor of WW Dering who was thereby duly elected 2nd Lieutenant of said Company in the organization thereof that the persons present were entieled to vote and that the election was fairly and justly conducted.

Given under My hand this 7th day Decr 1861.
F.R. Sinclair Adjt of the 76 Regt

From: F. R. Sinclair
Date: 9 December 1861

Monongalia County Gvt

I, F.R. Sinclair Adjt. of 76 Regiment of the Virginia Militia duly appointed by the Governor of the Comonwealth of Virginia do here by certify that on the 7th day of Decr 1861 at Morgantown in the Count of Monongalia pursuant to an order of Fl.R. Sinclair Lieutenant Col. Commandant of the aforesaid Regiment, and notice duly given, I Superentended the Election of 1st Lieutenant of the Company No. 4 of the Virginia 76 Regiment where the votes of all the Members present of said Company being given vivavoce a Majority was found to be in favor of L.S. Hayes who was there by duly elected 1st Lieutenant of said Company, in the organization thereof that the persons present were entitled to vote and that the election was was fairly and justly conducted.

Given under my hand this 9th day Decr 1861
F.R. Sinclair Adjt. of the 76 Regiment

From: Hamilton G. West, Major; F. R. Sinclair, Lieut. Col.; James F. John, Capt.
Date: 14 December 1861

Monongalia County, Greeting,
We Hamilton G. West Major, F. R. Sinclair Lieut Col. James F. John Captain of the 76th Regiment of Virginia Militia do hereby certify that on the 14th day of December 1861 at Morgantown in the County of Monongalia, superintended the election of Major of the 76th Regiment where the votes of all the officers present of said regiment being given viva voce a majority was found to be in favor of Thomas M. Jolliff who was thereby duly elected Major of said Regiment in the organization thereof: that the officers present were entitled to vote and that the election was fairly and justly conducted.

Given under our hands this 14th day of December 1861
H G West Maj
F R Sinclair Lieutenant Col
J F John Capt

From: Hamilton G. West, Major; F. R. Sinclair, Lieut. Col.; J. F. John, Capt.
Date: 14 December 1861

Monongalia County, Greeting,
We Hamilton G. West Major, F. R. Sinclair Lieut Col. J. F. John Captain of the 76th Regiment of Virginia Militia do hereby certify that on the 14th day of December 1861 at Morgantown in the County of Monongalia, superintended the election of Lieutenant Colonel of 76th Regiment where the votes of all the officers present of said regiment being given viva voce a majority was found to be in favor of Alexander H. Osburn who was thereby duly elected Lieutenant Colonel of said Regiment in the organization thereof: that the officers present were entitled to vote and that the election was fairly and justly conducted.

Given under our hands this 14th day of December 1861
H G West Maj
F R Sinclair Lieutenant Col
J F John Capt

From: Hamilton G West, Major; J. F. John, Capt; J. O. Vangilder, Capt.
Date: 14 December 1861

Monongalia County, Greeting,
We Hamilton G. West Major, J. F. John Captain, J. O. Vangilder, Captain of the 76th Regiment of Virginia Militia do hereby certify that on the 14th day of December 1861 at Morgantown in the County of Monongalia, superintended the election of a Colonel of the 76th Regiment where the votes of all the officers present of said regiment being given viva voce a majority was found to be in favor of Franklin R. Sinclair, who was thereby duly elected Colonel of said Regiment, in the organization thereof: that the officers present were entitled to vote and that the election was fairly and justly conducted.

Given under our hands this 14th day of December 1861
H G West Maj
J. O. Van Gilder Capt.
J. F. John Capt.

To: John J.Glidden
From: C.S.Trimble
Date: 16 December 1861

Washington Dec 16th 1861

Mr John J.Glidden

Dear Sir

I have received yours of the 7th and thank you for calling my attention to the case of Capt Bailey - The military court will report a bill to cover all such cases as have occurred in the western divisions and I shall offer an amendment to include all cases - The bill will doubtless pass but should it fail I think a special act can be got through securing a Lt Cols pension for Mrs Bailey - To enable me properly to present the case I shall want the testimony of Gov Pierpont as to the position and promised rank of Capt Bailey when he fell - I will consult Mr Whaley here & see that the case has proper attention

Secure the testimony of Gov Pierpont & forward to me as soon as it can be obtained

Very truly
C S Trimble

To: Henry J. Samuels
From: F. R. Sinclair
Date: 26 December 1861

Henry J. Samuels, Adjt General of Va.
You requested me to send you the bounds of the 76 Regiment of Virginia Militia. I will just say to you that I have searched among the papers and books belonging to the Regiment for a plat or diagram of the bounds of said Regiment but have not been able to find anything relating thereto but I know that all that portion of said County lying East of the Monongahela River belongs to the 76 Regiment. You also requested me to give the names of the Commissioned Officers and those entitled to a Commission in answer to the first Hamilton G. West Major informed me that he had complyed with the Law in takeing the oath prescribed by the Wheeling Convention James F. John Captain of Co. No. 5 A. H. Osborn Captain of Co. No. 2 and myself as Lieutenant Col of said Regiment is all that complied with the Law. Those elected under my supervision I have returned to you and received their Commissions one of which I now return to you he (James H. Hurry) having refused to take the oath. There is three others that have not been sworn in as yet but there is no doubt but they will when ever their Commission is presented to them. I find two mistakes in the names of the Commissioned Officers booth of which I rectified and you will please do the same one Jehn instid of John Stewart Second Lieutenant in the Company No. 5 The other is Thomas M. Jolliff instid of Thos. J. though he is now promoted to Major as you will see by refference to my return of field Officers.

I will also state that by the promotion of A. H. Osborn to that of Lieutenant Col., that Co. No. 2 is left without an officer as Captain Osborn had mustered his Company before I commenced organizing. I did not call his Company togeather to Elect Lieutenants and as the fines is now all regestered for said Company I come to the Conclusion that it is not necessary to reofficer said Company until the spring Election though I am subject to your orders. On last week I superintended the makeing out the list of fines for last year which amounted to some 78 Dollars and also for this which amounted to 160 Dollars all of which the clerk sent to the Auditor.

I submited my claim for reorganizing the Militia which amounted to 22 Dollars which was allowed pleas inform me whether my claim will be paid now if I present my claim.

Your Respectfully
F. R. Sinclair Adjt of 76 Reg. Va Militia

To: Gov Pierpont
From: John J.Glidden
Date: 28 December 1861

Portsmouth Ohio Dec 28th/61
His Excellency Gov Pierpont
Wheeling, Va
Enclosed please find a letter from Hon Carey A.Trimble in reference to the late Lieut Col Bailey - By sending to me at this place the information desired you will greatly oblidge the widow and little ones of a brave man who sacrificed his life in defense of Your State -

Your obt servt
John J.Glidden

Monongalia County Transcriptions

West Virginia Archives and History