

Union Militia

Monongalia County Transcriptions

To: the House of Representatives of West Virginia
From: Daniel Glasscock
Date: 22 January 1865

Gentlemen I herewith transmit to your Honorable Body a list of service rendered this State & Government by Capt Daniel Glasscock's Home Guards and also the time each man has lost & pray your Honorable Body to allow us something for the same. No of days each man lost in scouting:

Capt Daniel Glasscock 60 days
1st Lieut F. M. Arnett 60 days
2nd Lieut C. W. Miller 60 days

Enos Arnett 60 days
Charles Glasscock 60 days
John Linch 60 days
James H. Arnett 60 days
Wm E. Arnett 60 days
E. C. W. Snider 60 days
E. C. Thorn 60 days
J. S. Cordray 30 days
W. E. Cordray 30 days
Wm Linch 30 days
I. C. Riggs 30 Days
I. S. Gould 30 days
J. H. Barker 30 days
James Thorn 30 days
Wm M. Arnett 30 days
Aaron Barker 30 days
Timothy Arnett 15 days
E. S. Snider 20 days
R. Layton 20 days
John M. Cordray 15 days
M. B. Jones 15 days
A. Zinn 15 days
J. L. Floyd 15 days
Allen Stevens 15 days
Greenbury West 15 days
Jacob Youst 15 days
G. W. Kernes 15 days
Curtis Arnett 15 days
B. J. Miller 15 days

No of days lost in scouting 1,075
No of rebels captured 12
No of horse thieves 30
Amt of Rebs captured all together 42
Beside a large No of horses recaptured by the aid of those guards

Daniel Glasscock
Commanding Home Guard at Arnettsville in the County of Monongalia & State of West Va

To: Q.Master Brown
From: F. R. Sinclair
Date: 6 February 1865

Morgantown Feb 6th 1865

Q.Master Brown
I have received information that the amunition etc ordered by me for use of 14th (late 76th) Regiment is at Fairmont on the B & O Rail Road. Since ordering it we have been out on duty and been supplied at Grafton by Gen'l E. C. Bunker consequently will not need that sent by you. I wish it returned to you. Should I bring it here I have no place to store it and to deliver it to the men is equivalent to destroying it at once for it is impossible to prevent them from destroying it. Can it not just be returned to you? Let me hear soon.

Respectfully yours
F. R. Sinclair Col.
14th Regmt W. V. M

From: Reuben Finnell
Date: 21 February 1865

A regimental court of inquiry held for the 15th regiment on the 21st day of February 1865 at the house of James C. Snider in the county of Monongalia State of West Va Ordered that James G. Hess ajt to this regiment be allowed Two dollars and 35 cents the amount paid for books and paper for the use of this regiment when in service of the State during year 1864 amount $2.35/100

Wm Simpson Clerk 15th Regt
Reuben Finnell Commandant

From: Wm Simpson
Date: 21 February 1865

At a regimental court of inquiry held for the 15th Regiment on the 21st day of February 1865 at the house of James C. Snider in the county of Monongalia, State of West Va.

Ordered that Col. R. Finnell be allowed four dollars, the amount paid by him for printing notices for this regiment as per receipts during the year 1864.

Amount $4.00
Wm Simpson, Clk, 15th Reg't
Reuben Finnell, Commandant

To: Gen (?) W(?) Brown
From: R.F. Smith
Date: 24 February 1865

Morgantown WV
Fby 24 1865

Geo W. Brown QM
Wheeling WV

Dear Sir:

I have had the Hospital stores brought down from Fairmont - have opened them up & listed them. Some of them are in good order and others bad - I have tried our market for sale of them, thoroughly - and the highest price I can get offered is $48.15 (unintelligible word). I think this is all they are worth considering their condition and the amount that was used of them - If you best - I will sell them and apply credit for same on the bill of original purchase - do as you think.

P.S. I've deducted from the above amount is $1.40 for hauling from Barnesville.

(Name illeg)
B.F. Smith

To: Governor A. I. Boreman
From: Daniel Glasscock
Date: 9 March 1865

Arnettsville Monongalia Co West Va Mch 9th 1865
To his Exilency A. I. Boreman Govenor of West Va
I here with transmit to you the names of those persons belonging to my Company who have bin actively ingaged in doing guard duty for the last two years together with an estimate of the amount of time lost by each one So near as I can tell you will please make an equal proportion for each one according to the time lost

1st Lieut F. M. Arnett 60 days
2nd Lieut C. W. Miller 20 days
Enos Arnett 60 days
John Linch 60 days
James H. Arnett 60 days
Wm E. Arnett 60 days
E. C. W. Snider 30 days
E. C. Thorn 60 days
J. S. Cordray 30 days
Wm E. Cordray 30 days
Wm Linch 20 days
I. C. Riggs 20 days
Z. M. Barker 20 days
Jas Thorn 20 days
Wm M. Arnett 20 days
Aaron Barker 15 days
Timothy Arnett 15 days
E. S. Snider 15 days
R. Layton 15 days
John L. Floyd 15 days
Allen Stevens 15 days
Greenwood West 15 days
B. J. Miller 10 days

Now Govenor the above is a true statement to the best of my knowledge. I have had an interview with our Representative Mr. J. B. Lough. He informed me that you requested me to forward you a statement. We hope this will be satisfactory and you will procede as you think best. If we should git eney thing for the services rendered it will bee thankfully received. I remain yours truly Capt Daniel Glasscock.

From: Cass Hanway Nyer Co.
Date: 11 March 1865

Received Morgantown Wva. Mch 11th 1865 of B. F Smith Q.M. of the 14th Regt Wva Militia Forty seven 15/100 Dollars on account of One hundred & Twelve 46/100 Dollars for Medical stores due us from the state of West Virginia.

Cass Hanway Nyer Co

To: Gen W. Brown
From: B.F. Smith
Date: 11 March 1865

Morgantown WV
March 11, 1865
Geo W. Brown
QM Genl

Dear Sir

Enclosed please find receipt of (illegible) for forty-seven 15/100 Dollars Net proceeds of sale of Hospital stores sold as per your instructions -

Please acknowledge receipt (illegible)

Yrs Rly
B.F. Smith

P.S. When probably will the balance of this account be paid?

To: F. P. Pierpoint
From: R. Finnell
Date: 14 April 1865

Laurel Point April 14th 1865
F. P. Pierpoint Adjt Gen
Dear sir
I have sent you a vary hasty Certifycate of Election in case of Peter L. Lazzell duly Capt of one of the company. When his commission comes which I wish you to send at the earliest convenience.

Yours vary respectfully
R. Finnell your obt servant

From: Reuben Finnell
Date: 14 April 1865

I Reuben Finnell Col of the 15th Regiment of the West Va Militia do hereby certify that on the 11th day of March 1865 at Maidsville in the County of Monongalia persuant to Notice duly given I Superintended the election of a Captain of one Company of the Regiment where the voats of all the members presant of Said Company being given viva vace a majority was found to be in favor of Peter L.Lazzell who was thereby duly elected Captain of Co that the Persons presant were entitled to voat & that the election was fairly and justly conducted given under my hand this 14th day of April 1865

Reuben Finnell
Col of 15th W.Va Regt

To: J. P. Peirpoint
From: F. R. Sinclair
Date: 22 April 1865

Morgantown Monongalia, Co. Wva
J.P.Peirpoint Adj Gen.

I F.R.Sinclair Col Comdg. 14 Reg. Wva militia superintended the Election of a Captain in Co. B. of said Regt. and all the votes of the members present being given a large majority was found to be in favor of L.S.Hays who was thereby duly Elected Captain of this Co. to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of H.M Morgan, Capn that a majority of the persons entitled to vote were present and that the election was fairly conducted given under my hand this April 22nd 1865.

F.R.Sinclair Col.
14th Reg. Wva Militia

To: Governor Boreman
From: F. M. Arnett
Date: 15 May 1865

Monongalia Co., Wva
May 15, 1865

To His Exilency Governor A. I. Boreman

Dear Sir

As the Rebelion is over And our Services as home guards is no longer needed I desire to Resign my Commistion as first Lieut in the volenteer Melitia.

Ever feeling grateful To you for the trust confided to me I hope you will Grant My Request.

Ever Remaining yours,


Lieut F. M. Arnett

To: A. I. Boreman
From: Daniel Glasscock
Date: 15 May 1865

Arnettsville West Va May 15th 1865
To his Exilency Governor A. I. Boreman
Wheeling, W. Va.
Dear Sir
After returning home I hold a consultation with my former lieut F. M. Arnett and through persuaition got him to consent to still act as my first Lieut. Mr. Arnett seems willing to do any thing that will be advantageous to our government. He thought the company would soon be disbanded was his excuse for resigning you will please return his commission or a new one as I have no other man in my Company that will suit me as well. By complying with the above you will confer a great favor on me.

Respectfully yours
Daniel Glasscock

To: Geo W. Brown
From: B.F. Smith
Date: 14 July 1865

Morgantown WV
July 14, 1865
Geo W. Brown
Col of QM Genl

Dear Sir:

that there was a second call last summer by the Gov. After the first when the Medical Stores were here and you authorized me to return them to the parties from whom they were purchased. I made arrangements to do so - but before it could be consummated the other call came & the stores were (illegible) never been returned to this point. I did not go out with the last expedition but I understand that the stores were sent to Barresville - as station on the B&O RR near Fairmont and that they are still there. I presume they could be sold & if you will authorize me I will have them brought down & dispose of them or such of them as are still on hand -

I am glad that a move has been made to have the accounts paid -

Yours Truly
B.F. Smith

To: Col. George W. Brown
From: E. C. Bunker
Date: 14 August 1865

Morgantown Aug 14. 1865
Col. Geo. W. Brown
Your favor duly rec'd I see from the Fairmont National you have ordered the arms in Marion County to be forwarded to you at Wheeling I think you had better issue orders to all the counties of the Brigade You can do it with more effect & and then you know the State will pay your postage acct, mine it will not.

Regards to the General
Yours truly

From: H. G. West
Date: 23 August 1865

Monongalia County Gvt

I Hamilton G.West a Major in the Regiment of the West Va Militia duly appointed by the Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia do hereby certify that on the 20th day of May 1865 in the county of Monongalia, prisuant to the order from the Col of said Regmt and notice duly given I superintend the election of a Captain of the Company No of the 14th Regiment where the notes of all the members present of said Company being given in the usual manner a majority was found to be in favor of Joseph Kelley who was thereby duly elected Captain of the said Company that the persons present were entitled to vote and that the election was fairly and Justly conducted

Given under my hand this 23rd day of August 1865

H G West Major
14th Regiment WVa M

From: H. G. West
Date: 23 August 1865

Monongalia County Gv't

I H. G. West, a Major in the 14th Regiment of the West Va Militia duly appointed by the Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia do hereby certify that on the 21st day of May 1865 in the county of Monongalia pursuant to orders from the Col. of said Regiment and notice duly given I Superintended the election of a First Lieutenant of the Company No__ of the 14th Regiment where the votes of all the members present of said Company being given in the usual manner a majority was found to be in favor of Zadock Lanham who was thereby duly elected First Lieutenant of the said company; that the persons present were entitled to vote and that the election was fairly and justly conducted. Given under my hand this 23rd day of August 1865.

H.G. West Major
14th Reg'm't W.Va. M

To: Col Geo W Brown
From: E C Bunker
Date: 30 August 1865

Morgantown Aug 30th 1865
Col Geo W Brown-
Dear Sir:
Enclosed please find two bills paid by me in 1864 to American Telegraph Co. for telegrams on acct state Troops

1 Bill at Grafton $ 9.87
1 Bill at Fairmont $ 6.27

The Gov told me these bills should be paid. Uncle Baldwin wishes you to see if any taxes are due from him on lands in Barbour Gilmer or Braxton Counties, please have the Auditor examine and report to him. If the bills enclosed are paid please send me draft for the amt.

Yours very truly

Note: On the back of this letter is written the following:
John G Gay and wife were lost on the steamer Bro Jonathan from San Francisco to Oregon. The family are very much distressed. You no doubt saw a notice of the loss of the steamer Struck a rock and went down in the ocean Bunker.

To: Governor A. I. Boreman
From: James H. Shafer
Date: 26 September 1865

German Settlement, West Va Sept 26th 1865
To his excellency Gov A. I. Boreman
Dear Sir,
Among the delinquents returned by me for not obeying your call for the Militia I returned Henry V. Wotring and there was a fine imposed on him of 25$ for failing to report at Rowlesburg August 6th 1864. I detailed some of the members of my Company to notify the men, and said Wotring was, or had been, working with a farmer in this vicinity and when the men was notified he had gone away on business and did not return for 3 days after the call, and when he returned, he reported himself at Rowlesburg where the Company was at the time, and he had no knowledge of the Militia being called until he returned, and inasmuch as men who was detailed to bring those in who had failed to report, I was under the impression that he was brought in, and under that impression I returned him delinquent as failing to report himself, but he can prove satisfactorily to the contrary and to which statement I can vouch for myself. I wish to know from you if he could not be released from said fine, and what steps would be proper to take to accomplish his release from said fine. I feel myself interested in the case inasmuch as he was a member of my Company and I returned him delinquent when I should not have done so. Although I was ignorant of the facts in the case and supposed that he had due notice as aforesaid, hoping to hear from you soon

I remain yours respectfully
James H. Shafer
Capt Commanding Co. D, 26th Reg W. Va. M.

To: Governor A I Boreman
From: Daniel Glasscock Capt., F M Arnett Lieut.
Date: 13 October 1865

Arnettsville, Monongalia Co. West Va. October 13th, 1865
To his exilency Governor A. I. Boreman
Believing the grate Rebellion to be fully over thrown & peace once more restored to a happy and free people We would respectfully tender our resignations as Capt & first Lieut in Co D 15th Regt. West Va Volenteer Militia. We would also very respectfully recommend to your Exilency William C Arnett as Capt and also William E Linch as First Lieut. to fill the vacancies occasioned by our resignations. We would also recommend that this Company be kept organised as a Company of the Regiment on account of it being the most suitable place for a Company to drill and there is the requisit No. in the Company to be organised according to law. This is the wish of the Company.

Having learned by Colonel R. Finnel that there is an order for calling in the armes of the militia we are ready to make eney disposition of our arms that your Exilency may see fit to order. All of which we leave for your consideration.

Ever remaining yours with due respect

D Glasscock Capt
F. M. Arnett Lieut.

To: A. I. Boreman
From: E. C. Bunker
Date: 9 November 1865

Morgantown Nov. 9, 1865
Gov A. I. Boreman
Dear Sir:
Mr. Solomon H. Shriver a private in Capt White's Company of Col Geo. Price's Regt of this County was fined 40$ for failing to report for duty in Sept 1864 under call for Militia Mr. Shriver thinks he has been unjustly fined as no notice was served upon him. He went to Harrison County to pay for a lot of cattle he had bought and was bound to pay for & take them away at the time he went to Harrison Co. I do not know that you have any power in the premises but if you have I hope you will enquire into this case & do justice to Mr. Shriver who is a substantial citizen.

Yours very truly
E. C. Bunker

From: Wm Simpson
Date: December 1865

At a regimental court of inquiry held for the 15th Regiment on the 29th & 30th days of December 1865 at Laurel Point in the County of Monongalia State of West Va. Ordered that Col. R. Finnell be allowed three dollars and fifty cents it being the amount paid for printing for use of this Regiment during this year. $3.50

Wm Simpson Clk 15th Regt W. Va.
Reuben Finnell, Commandant

To: F. P. Pierpont
From: Daniel Glascock
Date: 22 December 1865

Monongalia Co.
West Va
December 22, 1865

To F. P. Perpont
Adjutant General
Wheeling, West Va


Please find inclosed an order made by the Regimental Court on the 21st day of February 1865 for ten dollars and 55 cts Paid for Rations By My Company while in the service of the State which I send to you for your approval.

Yours &c
Daniel Glasscock

From: Sturgiss A. Wagner
Date: 27 December 1865

Morgantown W.Va
Dec. 27 1865

Clerk Board of Claims

Dear Sir:
Enclosed you will find an account issued by Reuben Finnell Col. 15th W.Va. Militia in favor of James Arnett Jr. for subsistence furnished 15th W.Va. Militia. $28.00

We would respectfully ask that you send us an order in favor of Mr. Arnett for the amount.

If necessary we will send you a Power of Attorney from Mr. Arnett giving us authority to collect the claim.

Yours Respectfully
Sturgiss A. Wagner

Monongalia County Transcriptions

West Virginia Archives and History