
Ohio County Union Militia Letters

Transcription by Linda Cunningham Fluharty

To the Colonel of the ___ Regiment of Virginia Militia:

The following statement of the votes received by the Candidates of for the commissioned Offices of the Peirpoint Guards Company is hereby transmitted to you at the request of the Captain E&ct: together, with a roll of the members of the Company.

The election was held on the evening of October 13th and resulted as follows: On the first ballot D. Frazier sr, received twenty four votes. Adam T. Blayney 5 five votes; no other person was voted for.

For first Lieutenant, the second ballot resulted as follows; Mr C. Porter twenty one. A. F. Blayney six, W. Moore two.

For second Lieutenant, the fourth ballot was, as follows, Isaac Snedeker eighteen. A. F. Blayney eleven.

For Orderly Sergeant J. T. Maxwell received upon the first ballot twenty-six votes, Z. Giles two, L. J. Perry two, W. C. Teagarden one T. Gilmor one.

With regard to the last ballot I may state that some of the members who voted were not present at the former ballotings, hence the discrepancy between the numbers of votes cast for Orderly and those for the other Officers. All of which is respectfully submitted.

Thomas Gilmor Secretary

The Roll of Members Names is as follows.

William Moore s
Oliver Reed s
Isaac Snedeker s
John K. Pattison s
William Pollock s
John N. Pollock s
John C. Porter s
John Potter s
William McMurray s
James R. McMurray s
Hiram A. Caldwell s
Robert Gilmor s
Thomas Gilmor s
James F. Blayney s
Adam F. Blayney s
John L. Hanna s
John McCammon s
Robert M. Denniston s
James Rogers s
John Rogers s
Benjamin L. Rogers s
John D. Maxwell
Robert M. Maxwell s
T. Tillotson Maxwell s
Elijah Moore s
Isaiax T. Moore
William F. Hart s
James Reed s
William Reed s
Abraham Clemens s
Samuel M. Clemens s
David Frasier sr s
David Frasier Jr
Joseph B. Williams s
William Lewis s
William Bushfield
William Morrison s
George Morrison s
J. George Gibson s
William C. Teagarden s
Isaac J. Teagarden s
George McCaslin s
Zachariah Giles s
James W. Pearson s
Joseph Montgomery
Samuel Croup
Henry Snedeker s
Stephen B. Cooper s
Isaac Davis s
Lewis J. Perry s

The members already sworn in have an s attached to their names. Of these, there are forty eight, leaving six of our number yet unqualified. Signed T. Gilmor.

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Ohio County Union Militia Letters

West Virginia Archives and History