
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood
June 5, 1861

Wheeling Intelligencer
June 6, 1861

Arrest of Maj. A. Loring:The Community Astonished:The people of this city were greatly astounded yesterday morning upon learning that Major A. Loring, the sheriff of this county, had been arrested by U.S. officers, and was about being removed to Grafton. His arrest was made about 2 o'clock, A. M., while the Major was in his bed at the M'Lure House. He was taken to the Baltimore & Ohio Depot, where he remained until seven o'clock, when the train left for Grafton. Maj. Loring's arrest is said to have been occasioned by certain papers found upon the person of W. J. Willey, who was captured after the skirmish at Phillippi [sic], and who is charged with leading the par[t]y who destroyed the bridges on the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, between this city and Grafton. Nothing, however, is positively known in regard to this.:Maj. Loring has recently returned from Richmond, and it is surmised by his friends that he may have brought some papers to Mr. Willey, in which his own name is mentioned as bearer or otherwise. We sincerely hope it may appear that the Maj[o]r's arrest is the resolute of a mistake, and that he has had no complicity whatever in the rebellious movements of the secessionists. We believe it will so turn out when the proper examination is had.

Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: June 1861

West Virginia Archives and History