
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood
June 22, 1861

Wheeling Daily Intelligencer
June 29, 1861

From Ritchie County.

[For the Wheeling Intelligencer]

Messrs. Editors: - Pursuant to previous notice, a large crowd assembled at Harrisville, Va., on Saturday, 22d inst., for the raising of a flag pole. From early in the morning until noon, large crowds could be seen coming from every direction, into town, men, women and children, all seeming interested in seeing and assisting to hoist the "stars and stripes" aloft to the breeze - that ensign which floated so proudly over our forefathers who fought hand in hand in the death struggle for liberty. A dinner was prepared by the Union ladies of our county, who, not unlike the matrons and maids of the revolution, were more patriotic, if possible, than the men. After dinner the pole was raised, (being a very nice one upward of 100 feet long,) all hands taking hold and making light work of it. After which the "stars and stripes," a beautiful flag made by those patriotic ladies, was run up to the height of about 100 feet, and everything being favorable, it unfurled itself and fluttered at full length in the air, when three cheers were given for the flag, in which every man joined with a hearty good will, causing the hills to reverberate with the shouts that went up in hornor of that flag, under which they had so long lived so peacefully, so happily, and so harmoniously. There were then three cheers, long and loud, given for the ladies who made it.

The assembly was then addressed by Rev. J. F. Terry and Dr. M. S. Hall in very able and patriotic speeches. After which the various companies of Home Guards were paraded in the streets, and an offer made for volunteers for three years service in the United States army, whereupon there were sixty-three who came forward and enrolled their names. Ritchie county is all right and will send a full company into the service.

Yours, &c., F. P. P.
RITCHIE C. H., June 24, 1861.

Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: June 1861

West Virginia Archives and History