
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood
August 30, 1861

Wheeling Intelligencer
August 31, 1861

Arrest of Secessionists.:Last evening six secessionists were arrested by Capt. Radcliff, of the Pierpoint Guards, at the house of Dr. Alfred Hughes, corner of Fourth and Quincy streets. It seems that on Thursday evening, a batch of young men succeeded in leaving the city for the rebel army, and it was suspected that the six persons found at Hughes designed doing the same thing. Three of the young men were citizens: Jacob Swietzer, John Goshorn and Eugene Zane. The other three were prisoners captured at the battle of Corrack's Ford, or some other place. One of these has been in the hospital for some time, but has now recovered. The other two have been confined at Camp Carlile. All were released upon their parole, by Lieut. Col. Hubbard, and were being lionized by the secessionists about town. The prisoners were taken to the Custom House, where a large crowd soon collected. Zane was released, as it was thought he was not likely to go to the rebel army or anywhere else, except in the house when it rains. Goshorn was also released, but Swietzer and the others were sent over to Camp Carlile. Capt. Radcliff searched Dr. Hughes' house, but found nothing of a "contraband" character.

There were a number of ladies in the house at the time of the arrest, who had been engaged during the day in collecting funds for the purpose of forwarding the released prisoners to their homes.

Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: August 1861

West Virginia Archives and History