
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood
October 5, 1861

Wheeling Intelligencer
October 15, 1861

[For the Intelligencer.]

Bell District - Meeting of the Ladies Knitting Association.

A meeting of the ladies of the Bell District, Ohio county Va., convened, pursuant to notice, at the School house of said District, Oct. 5th, 1861, for the purpose of forming a Knitting Society, to prepare stockings and mittens for the soldiers of Western Virginia, who have gone forth to offer their lives a sacrifice in defence of our beloved country, our homes, and our lives.

Said Society was organized by calling Mrs. Nancy Chambers to the chair, and appointing R. M. Hosic Secretary, and M. J. Hosic, Treasurer.

On motion, it was

Resolved, That a committee of four be appointed to obtain contributions in material to be knit, or money for the purchase of such material.

On motion, it was agreed that Cally M. Todd, Mary E. Lewis, Kate Porter, and Mary A. Hosic, be said committee.

A motion was made and carried, that each family in the District, furnish at least one pair of woolen stockings, and as many more as their circumstances would permit, and those who cannot furnish material, will perform part of the labour with material furnished by the Treasurer, from contributions collected by the committee.

On motion,

Resolved, That a copy of the proceedings of this meeting be sent to the Wheeling Intelligencer, with a request to publish the same.

On motion, the Society adjourned to meet on Friday, Oct. 11th 1861.

R. M. Hosic Secretary.

Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: October 1861

West Virginia Archives and History