
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood
March 29, 1862

Point Pleasant Register
April 17, 1862

Public Meeting at Parkersburg

The citizens of Wood county will meet at the Court House, in Parkersburg, on Saturday, March 29, to inquire whether returned rebels are to be received among citizens or not; whether those who have striven to overthrow the best Government in the world, and have imbrued their hands in the best blood of our country, shall be welcomed among us as fellow citizens.

Speeches will be made and resolutions offered for acceptance.

PARKERSBURG, March 29, 1862

In conformity with the above call, a very large meeting assembled at the Court House, when on motion, E. Tracewell, Esq., was called to the chair and William Hatcher appointed Secretary.

On motion, Messrs. George Loomis, Bennett Cook and J.E. Wharton were appointed to a committee to draft resolutions.

During whose absence the meeting was eloquently addressed by M.H. Amiss and Col. Carpenter, of Kentucky, who having been called for, delivered a most glowing and eloquen[sic] address for the Union, at the close of which the resolutions were read as follows:

WHEREAS, We, the loyal citizens of Wood county do and ever have cherished as unfaltering love for the government made by our fathers - for our Union and Constitution; regarding them as the fountain of social happiness and of national prosperity, we pledge to their support everything we hold dear and valuable in this life,

AND WHEREAS, the restored Government of Virginia is recognized and established as the Government de jure of the State, and the people of the vicinity are mainly indebted to that government for the exemption from rebel atrocities - we regard those who denounces the restored Government, or strive to bring it into disrepute, as traitors in disguise and enemies to our welfare.

AND WHEREAS, our community has been shocked during the present week at the insulting impudence of rebels returning to our midst, who for a year past, as we believe, have been associating with, if not aiding, those who have imbrued their hangs in the best blood of this country, in an unholy purpose to overthrow our beloved Government; and WHEREAS, rebels from abroad, who are strangers to us, with effrontery in keeping only with their principles, have also come into our limits, now that they feel the press of the Federal bayonets, and the hopelessness of their cause, Therefore, be it.

1st. Resolved, That every loyal community has the undoubted right to protect itself from the intrusion of traitors and rebels from the contamination of their principles as well as their presence; and that such characters cannot be tolerated among our fellow citizens so long as war continues in our country, unless they give indubitable evidence of a change of principle, and a willingness to return in good faith to their allegiance.

2d. Resolved, That with our consent no person whatever, who advocates the hell born doctrine of secession before leaving this county, shall return to remain therein, unless he shall in good faith support the Government of the United States and restored Government of Virginia.

3d. Resolved, That while the General Government is abundantly able to maintain its authority and enforce obedience yet it would be inexpedient for that Government to station troops in every neighborhood for such a purpose; it therefore becomes the duty of every local neighborhood to protect itself against the intrusion of rebels, and the influence of their pernicious doctrines.

4th. Resolved, That their right is clearly manifest: as much so as the right of a community to guard against the introduction into their midst of the lesser evils of small-pox, plague felons and incendiaries.

5th. Resolved, That a committee of twelve discreet persons be appointed, whose duties it shall be to notify all such obnoxious persons who may come into our midst, that their sojourn here is not desirable, and they can best subserve the wishes of our people by absenting themselves as soon as possible, or furnish satisfactory evidence of their loyalty.

A few remarks were made by Messrs. R. Van Winkle, Wharton and Loomis, when the resolutions were unanimously adopted.


The Chair appointed the following gentlemen a Committee, under the last resolution:

Beanett Cook, E.D. Safford, Wm. Dils, John Barrett, Samuel Newberger, H.P. Dils, B.S. Smith, W.T. Senseny, George Hopkins, H.H. Dils, Anson Bloomer, G.E. Smith.

Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: March 1862

West Virginia Archives and History