
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood
October 20, 1862

Official Records of the War of the Rebellion
Series 1, Vol. 19, pt. 2, pp. 458-59

Gallipolis, October 20, 1862.

Maj. N. H. McLean,
Assistant Adjutant-General, Cincinnati:

Colonel Cranor reports from Guyandotte no rebels in that immediate vicinity, but from "2,500 to 4,000" reported in Wayne and Logan Counties. He is sending reconnoitering parties, and will soon report the foundation for these probably exaggerated reports. The Fifth Virginia, which was irregularly furloughed en masse by General Milroy, is collecting at Ceredo. Cranor has with him at Guyandotte the Fortieth Ohio, Eighty-fourth Indiana, and a squadron of cavalry.

Lightburn moved up the Kanawha to-day. I have ordered him to remove the obstructions in the river at Red House, 25 miles up, and push on, repairing roads, &c., as he goes. I am waiting General Morgan's troops, none of which have yet arrived. The reports from Clarksburg and beyond indicate belief in considerable rebel force near Monterey. Milroy's force not all concentrated there yet; he will move toward Beverly as soon as it is, Crook taking the direction of Summerville. The delays in getting stores over the railway are very embarrassing.

J. D. Cox,
Major-General, Commanding District of Western Virginia.

Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: October 1862

West Virginia Archives and History