
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood
October 21, 1862

Official Records of the War of the Rebellion
Series 2, Vol. 4, p. 640

Wheeling, Va., October 21, [1862.]

Maj. P. Zinn, Commanding Camp Chase.

Sir: The bearer, Washington Cline, by special direction of Governor Peirpoint is sent to Camp Chase, Ohio, apparently as a prisoner but in reality on secret service. He is to be committed as usual, but in such a way as to enable him to have full access to all the prisoners sent from Marion County, Va., whom he may desire to see. It is hoped through the agency of this man that several cases of horse-stealing, depredations on private property, &c., will be brought to light. The object is for him to gain the confidence of these men who are prisoners from Marion County, Va., and now at Camp Chase, get letters from them to their friends in their section of country, and operate after his release for the conviction of those who have offended against the laws and so far avoided punishment. You can have such an understanding with the bearer and others that it shall be represented he is arrested for refusing to take the oath of allegiance. Whenever his plans are matured he should notify you of his willingness to take the oath of allegiance, which can then be administered to him and transportation given him to Wheeling to report to the Governor for further orders.

By assisting to carry out this plan you will confer a great favor upon the State authorities here. Should it be necessary to refer this matter to any one else to facilitate its execution or approve its design, please advise me as soon as possible.

Very respectfully,

Jos. Darr, Jr.,
Major and Provost-Marshal-General.

Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: October 1862

West Virginia Archives and History