
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood
December 6, 1862

Point Pleasant Daily Register
December 4, 1862

The Special Election.

On Saturday the 6th inst., the voters of Mason county, have an opportunity to give expression to their political views, at the ballot-box. Seldom are the people called upon to discharge a duty involving so directly their dearest interests; we trust, therefore, each voter will scrutinize closely, each of the very estimable gentlemen presented, and without regard to former "likes or dislikes," cast his ballot for the person, that in his judgment, can and will, best serve us as a Delegate. There are also several minor offices to fill. Let there be a full vote.

The question of the New State, comes directly before the people of Mason county on Saturday next. We can do more to further our immediate admission, by a judicious selection of Delegate, than by any other means. The time for talking in regard to separation is past, and the time for action has at last arrived. Let us by energetic and judicious action, show "the powers that be" that we are as determined as ever in demanding the admission of West Virginia.

Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: September 1862

West Virginia Archives and History