
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood
February 10, 1863

Wheeling Intelligencer
February 27, 1863

The Kelley Lancers.

Beverly, West virginia,
February 16.

Editors Intelligencer:

Gents: On the 10th inst., Lieut. John H. Conn, with twenty-five men of the "Kelley Lancers," and about thirty men from Capt. Ewing's Battery, mounted, under command of their Captain, made a seventy miles scout into Pocahontas county, felling for their friend (?) Imboden. They returned on the 14th, bringing thirteen prisoners, one hundred and fifty head of cattle, and ten horses and mules; making seventy prisoners since we were transferred from the east. Our loss is two: T. J. Edwards, formerly of your city, and Wm. P. Merrill, of Maryland. The "Lancers" are redeeming - yea, have redeemed themselves from the name of cowards, so very unjustly given them by their former cowardly Colonel. (Bear in mind that I don't mean Col. N. P. Richmond, if he did step into a coward's shoes; however, you know my opinion of Richmond)

We can still hear of the coming of Imboden; but so far the event has not even cast its shadow before. If he comes, he will get "licked like the devil." We will make him wind his long legs over Cheat Mountain quicker than Gen. Kelley did at Moorefield. We will have another Moorefield, or Moor feeling for him; and if we catch him, we will Lath - 'im in the bargain. Gen. Moor is more than enough for all the Imboden's - and if he brings Jenkins with him, Col. Latham can bake his pone quicker. Let them come.

Yours, new statistically,

N. N. H.

Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: February 1863

West Virginia Archives and History