
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood
March 9, 1863

Wheeling Intelligencer
March 14, 1863

New State Meeting in Jackson Co.

Editors Intelligencer:

A large and enthusiastic New State meeting was held at the Court House in Jackson county, on Monday the 9th inst. The meeting was called to order by George Loomis, on whose motion E. S. Mahan was called to the chair, and J. A. Smith appointed Secretary. After which the following preamble and Resolutions were read and unanimously adopted; the meeting was then addressed by A. B. Caldwell and Campbell Tarr, Esqrs.

Whereas, The loyal people of West Virginia having called a Convention which framed a Constitution, which has been ratified by the people of the proposed New State of West Virginia, and the legislature of Virginia having given its consent to the division of the State, and the Congress of the United States having also given its consent for said division, and having admitted the said New State of West Virginia into the Union upon equal footing with the original States, provided the seventh Section of Article eleven of the Constitution as amended by Congress, be adopted by the Convention as a part of the said Constitution of West Virginia, and the same be ratified by a majority of the voters within the boundary of the proposed New State, that thereon the admission shall be complete. Be it therefore

Resolved, That we will use every fair, honest and legitimate measures to have the amended Constitution ratified by the people. That we believe that the success of the New State measure is vital to the best interests of our people, That while it will secure to us an t to succeeding generations incalculable advantages, it will work no injustice or detriment to the people of the remaining portion of the State. That in view of surrounding circumstances, we, the loyal people of West Virginia believe that any omission on our part to do all that may honorably be done to insure its success, would be little less than an act of base treachery to ourselves, and of unpardonable neglect and injustice to our posterity. That this measure will not embarrass the federal government in its efforts to crush the rebellion, but will tend to give it strength by encouraging the faltering and emboldening the timid in our midst, and will add a new and brighter star to the glorious galaxy that now sparkles upon the national banner, that shall be an imperishable monument to the loyalty, wisdom and patriotism of our people.

Resolved, That the proceedings of this meeting be published in the Wheeling Intelligencer, Point Pleasant Register, and all other loyal papers throughout the State.

E. S. Mahan, Chairman.
J. A. Smith, Sec'y.

Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: March 1863

West Virginia Archives and History