
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood
April 14, 1863

Wheeling Intelligencer
April 23, 1863.

Proceedings of the Hancock County Convention.

Court House, Hancock Co., Va.,
April 14th, A. D. 1863.

In pursuance of previous announcement, a Mass Convention composed of Union and New State citizens of Hancock county assembled at the Court House at New Winchester on this day, (being Quarterly Court day,) whereupon Ewing Turner, Esq. was chosen President and James G. Marshall Secretary. The object of the Convention, as contained in the call therefore, was more fully stated by John H. Atkinson, Esq., to be the appointment of Delegates to the State Convention to be held at Parkersburg for the nomination of State officers for the State of West Virginia, and for further appointment of Delegates to a Convention for the nomination of a Senator for this District and Judge of this Circuit, as well as the make necessary arrangements for the nomination of County officers of Hancock.

Upon motion of John H. Atkinson the President appointed a Committee of five consisting of John H. Atkinson, Daniel Donahoo, J. H. Cochran, John Gardner and J. H. Hibbuts, to draft and report resolutions embodying the sentiments and objects of this Convention.

The Committee aforesaid, through J. H. Atkinson, reported the following preamble and resolutions, which were unanimously adopted:

WHEREAS, our country is not engaged in a sanguinary war, brought upon us by traitors in the Southern States, in which they are determined to destroy our Government and dismember our Union, even if it should bring upon their own heads, as well as upon ours, utter ruin; and whereas, we come at this momentous period to establish, in accordance with _______________________________________the State of West Virginia, by the selection of our State officers; therefore,

Resolved, That our delegates to the Convention called to assemble at Parkersburg upon the first Wednesday after the expiration of ten days from the date of the President's proclamation declaring West Virginia's State in the Union, be instructed to vote for no person for any of the several State offices to be filled who is not a tried and an unconditional Union man.

Resolved, That our delegates to a Convention to be held in the city of Wheeling at such time as the loyal men of Ohio county shall designate for the nominations of a Judge for the circuit and a Senator for this district, be instructed to vote for such men as have by their acts given assurance of a firm adherence to our cause in the future.

Resolved, That for the proper nomination of our county officers we recommend that meetings be held at the several places of voting on the first Saturday of May between the hours of 2 and 6 o'clock P.M., for the appointment of three delegates from each magisterial district to meet in convention at the Court House upon the 2nd Saturday of May next, at 10 o'clock A.M., there to make nomination of a Delegate for this county, a Clerk of the Circuit Court, Sheriff, Prosecuting Attorney, (Surveyor of Lands and Recorder.)

Resolved, That the interests and destiny of West Virginia are inseparably connected with the cause of the Union, that we stand or fall with our country, and that as we have now marshaled a gallant army of soldiers, our neighbors, our fathers, our sons, our brothers, exposed to all the perils of the camp and the field, we will cordially sustain the Government in their support; that we will heartily second every movement to reinforce them with such numbers as shall place them in overwhelming force at every point of attack, thus saving the lives of our friends, and cutting off all hope of successful resistance from those in rebellion.

Resolved, That we can never listen with honor to any proposition looking to the dismemberment of this Union; that while the Mississippi rolls its waters to the gulf, carrying commerce to the ocean, it shall remain throughout its entire length governed and controlled by one nation. Our watchword shall ever be "The Union, one and inseparable."

Resolved, That as patriots we will stand by the flag of our country; rendered doubly dear since hearing the star of West Virginia. That in defense of this banner, come what may, with a firm reliance upon Almighty God, we pledge to each other and to the loyal men of every State, our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honors.

The Convention then proceeded to the selection of Delegates to the State Convention to be held at Parkersburg, as follows:

District No. 1. - Ewing Turner, William Brown and John C. Crawford.

District No. 2. - John H. Atkinson, Geo. M. C. Porter and James L. Freeman.

District No. 3. - Daniel Donehoo, James G. Marshall and Jacob N. Brown.

District No. 4. - John Gardner, Joseph W. Allison and J. H. Hibbat.

The following Delegates were appointed under the resolution touching the nomination of Judge of this Circuit, and Senator for this District as follows:

District No. 1. - James Gardner and J. H. Cochran.

District No. 2. - B. J. Smith and John Campbell.

District No. 3. - Alexander Morrow and John W. Hobbs.

District No. 4. - Jonathan Addison and R. B. Breaneman.

John Gardner, Esq., offered the following resolution which was adopted.

Resolved, That our Delegates to the Convention for the nomination of Judge of this Circuit be instructed to cast the vote.

Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: April 1863

West Virginia Archives and History