
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood
April 18, 1863

Wheeling Intelligencer
May 8, 1863

Convention in Cabell County.

Editors Intelligencer:

At a convention by the loyal citizens of Cabell county held at the Court House in Guyandotte on Saturday the 18th day of April, 1863. On motion, J. H. Hayslip was appointed President, and T. J. Merritt, Secretary.

B. D. McGinnis explained the object of the convention to be for the purpose of nominating a District Judge in the 8th Judicial District of West Virginia, a State Senator, a Circuit Clerk and county officers at the coming election under the new State of West Virginia; after which the convention nominated the following persons, viz:

For Judge of the 8th Judicial District - Hon. H. J. Samuels, by acclamation.

State Senate - William H. Copley.

House of Delegates - J. B. Baumgardner.

Prosecuting Attorney - W. H. Tomlinson.

Circuit Clerk - T. J. Merritt.

Sheriff - John Alford.

Recorder - T. J. Hayslip.

Surveyor - James Felix.

Commissioner Revenue - G. Harrison.

On motion, E. A. Smith, Wm. H. Copley and Sidney Bowden was appointed a committee to inform Hon. H. J. Samuels and W. H. Tomlinson of their nominations.

On motion of W. H. Copley, the proceedings of this convention be forwarded to the Wheeling Intelligencer, Point Pleasant Register and Kanawha Republican, with the request that the same be published therein.

On motion the convention adjourned sine die.

Thos. J. Hayslip, Pres.
T. J. Merritt, Sec'y.

Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: April 1863

West Virginia Archives and History