
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood
April 30, 1863

Wheeling Intelligencer
May 1, 1863


Since the foregoing was in type, we have a direct and reliable dispatch from Clarksburg, stating that the Morgantown raiders were met yesterday midway between Fairmont and Clarksburg, near Shinston, and defeated and driven back with the loss of several killed and taken prisoners. They were under General Jones, and numbered some fifteen hundred, and were on their way to make a combined attack on our troops at Clarksburg, in conjunction with Imboden and Jackson, whose forces are known to be in the Tygart Valley, on the other side of Clarksburg, in Lewis or Barbour county.

The attack was made by our Clarksburg troops, who, it appears, came out to meet them. It is confidently believed that with the reinforcements which we will have at Grafton and Clarksburg today we will be able to capture Jones' whole gang. The news of the repulse is official and reliable.


A dispatch was received by Gen. Lightburn, at ten P.M. stating that a cavalry force, commanded by Capt. Hagan's, (believed to be a brother of Secretary Hagans,) and a construction train, were gobbled up at Bridgeport, five miles east of Clarksburg. The same dispatch said the ball was about opening at Clarksburg. It is understood the attack is made by Imboden and Bill Johnson from the direction of Buckhannon and Weston.

Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: April 1863

West Virginia Archives and History