
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood
June 20, 1863

Wheeling Daily Intelligencer
June 24, 1863

Mutiny Punished. - When the 27th New Jersey Infantry reached this city last week, an Orderly Sergeant of one of the companies, proposed to the men that, in the event of their being marched to Harper's Ferry, he would take the company and go home.

Col. Mindle heard of this remark, and immediately put the Sergeant under arrest. As the regiment was about leaving on Saturday evening, the men were formed in line, and the Adjutant read an order from the Colonel adjudging that the Sergeant should be brought out and divested of his straps. Accordingly one of the drummer's stepped out and in presence of the whole regiment the Sergeant was stripped of his Sergeant straps. Not a word was spoken, and the Sergeant appeared to feel his disgrace keenly. Colonel Mindle then rode up to the Sergeant and told him that he intended to hand him over to Gen. Brooks, for trial. He said: "You have been guilty of a great crime, for which had had no excuse. I shall do all I can to convict you, and, in that event, you need expect no mercy from me, for I shall certainly recommend the rope rather than the musket for the execution of the sentence."

Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: June 1863

West Virginia Archives and History