
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood
June 25, 1863

Journal of the House of Delegates

THURSDAY, June 25, 1863.

The House met according to adjournment.

Prayer by Rev. Mr. Seigfried, of Adamsville, Ohio.

Journal read and approved.

Mr. Crothers, on behalf of the special committee on Elections and Privileges, presented the following report:

The following members are entitled to seats:

Barbour county, Joseph Teter, jr., Boone, Robert Hagar; Braxton, Felix Sutton; Brooke, H. W. Crothers; Cabell, Edward D. Wright; Harrison, S. S. Fleming and Nathan Goff; Hampshire, George W. Sheets and James I. Barrack; Jackson, D. J. Keeney; Kanawha, Lewis Rffner and Spicer Patrick; Lewis P. M. Hale; Logan, James H. Hinchman; Marion, Isaac Holman and John S. Barns; Mason, Lewis Bumgarner; Marshall, Joseph Turner and Michael Dunn; Mercer, Thomas Little; Monongalis, Lee Roy Kramer and John B. Lough; Morgan, Joseph S. Wheat; Ohio, Daniel Lamb, William W. Shriver and Andrew F. Ross; Putnam, George C. Bowyer; Pendleton, John Boggs; Preston, J. C. McGrew and William B. Zinn; Ritchie, Samuel R. Dawson; Taylor, Lemuel E. Davidson; Tyler, Daniel Sweeney; Upshur, Jacob Teter; Wayne, Thomas Copley; Wetzel, Samuel I. Robinson; Pleasants and Wood, H. N. Crooks and P. G. Van Winkle; Calhoun and Gilmer, William T. Wiant; Clay and Nicholas, Anthony Rader; Randolph and Tucker, Cyrus Kittle; Wyoming, McDowell and Raleigh, William S. Dunbar.

Chairman Committee on Elections and Privileges.

On motion of the chairman, the report was adopted, and the committee discharged.

A message from the Senate announced concurrence in the substitute for the Senate resolution respecting the books and papersin the Auditor's office.

Mr. Lamb, from the joint committee to whom was referred a communication from A. W. Campbell and others, relative to the defences [sic] of the city of Wheeling, reported it inexpedient to take any action on the subject.

On motion of Mr. Van Winkle, the report was adopted and the committee discharged.

Mr. Van Winkle, from the special committee on Counties, Townships and Municipal Organization, reported House Bill No. 5, entitled "A Bill to provide for the division into Townships of the several Counties of the State;" which was read a first time this day.

On motion of the chairman, the committee was discharged.

Engrossed House Bill No. 1, entitled "An Act in relation to the powers and duties of the Recorder," was taken up, read the third time and passed, with its title.

The YEAS were - Messrs. Patrick (Speaker), Barns, Bee, Boggs, Bowyer, Bumgarner, Copley, Crawford, Crooks, Crothers, Dawson, Dunbar, Dunn, Fleming, Foster, Goff, Griffin, Hagar, Hinchman, Keeney, Kittle, Kramer, Lamb, Lough, Mann, McGrew, McWhorter, Michael, Rader, Robinson, Ross, Ruffner, Sheets, Shriver, Sutton, Sweeney, Teter of Barbour, Teter of Upshur, Turner, Van Winkle, Wheat, Wiant, Wright, and Zinn - 44.

The NAYS were - None.

Engrossed House Bill No. 2, entitled "An Act concerning Oaths and Affirmations," was taken up, read the third time and passed, with its title.

The YEAS were - Messrs. Patrick (Speaker), Ballard, Barns, Bee, Boggs, Bowyer, Bumgarner, Copley, Crawford, Crooks, Crothers, Dawson, Dunbar, Dunn, Fleming, Foster, Goff, Griffin, Hagar, Hinchman, Keeney, Kittle, Kramer, Lamb, Lough, Mann, McGrew, McWhorter, Michael, Rader, Robinson, Ross, Ruffner, Sheets, Shriver, Sutton, Sweeney, Teter of Barbour, Teter of Upshur, Turner, Van Winkle, Wheat, Wiant, Wright, and Zinn - 45.

The NAYS were - None.

Engrossed House Bill No. 3, entitled "An Act to Official Bonds," was taken up and read the third time.

On motion of Mr. Van Winkle, and by unanimous consent, the following words at the conclusion of the fifth section, were stricken out: "during his term and until his successor is elected or appointed and qualified."

The bill was then passed with its title.

The YEAS were - Messrs. Patrick (Speaker), Ballard, Barns, Bee, Boggs, Bowyer, Bumgarner, Copley, Crawford, Crooks, Crothers, Dawson, Dunbar, Dunn, Fleming, Foster, Goff, Griffin, Hagar, Hinchman, Keeney, Kittle, Kramer, Lamb, Little, Lough, Mann, McGrew, McWhorter, Michael, Rader, Robinson, Ross, Ruffner, Sheets, Shriver, Sutton, Sweeney, Teter of Barbour, Teter of Upshur, Turner, Van Winkle, Wheat, Wiant, Wright, and Zinn - 46.

The NAYS were - None.

Engrossed House Bill No. 4, entitled "An Act in relation to the taxes for the year 1863, assessed within the several counties, under the laws of the State of Virginia," was taken up, read the third time and passed with its title amended by striking out, "for the year 1863."

The YEAS were - Messrs. Patrick (Speaker), Ballard, Barns, Bee, Boggs, Bowyer, Bumgarner, Copley, Crawford, Crooks, Crothers, Dawson, Dunbar, Dunn, Fleming, Foster, Goff, Griffin, Hagar, Hinchman, Keeney, Kittle, Kramer, Lamb, Little, Lough, Mann, McGrew, McWhorter, Michael, Rader, Robinson, Ross, Ruffner, Sheets, Shriver, Sutton, Sweeney, Teter of Barbour, Teter of Upshur, Turner, Van Winkle, Wheat, Wiant, Wright, and Zinn - 46.

The NAYS were - None.

On motion of Mr. Kramer,

Resolved, That so much of the Governor's Message as relates to arming and reorganizing the militia, be referred to the committee on Military Affairs.

Senate resolution on the table, relative to the appointment of a committee to ascertain and adjust the sum of money coming to the State from the State of Virginia, under Act of February 4, 1863, entitled "An Act making an appropriation to the proposed State of West Virginia," &c., passed by the General Assembly of Virginia, was taken up; and

On motion of Mr. Van Winkle, it was again laid upon the table.

On motion of Mr. Lamb,

Resolved, That the committee on Roads and Internal Navigation inquire into the expediency of authorizing, by law, those who may purchase the property of the Hempfield Railroad Company, in the State under any decree of a court of this State, or of the District Court of the United States, to act as a body corporate.

On motion of the same gentleman,

Resolved, That the committee on Counties, &c., inquire into the expediency of authorizing, by law, the city of Wheeling to issue bonds to the amount of fifth thousand dollars, and further, to authorize the banks of the city to purchase those bonds at par.

Mr. Van Winkle called up the resolution offered by himself on yesterday, referring postions of the Constitution to the several committees; and it was adopted.

On motion of Mr. McGrew,

Resolved, That the committee on Roads and Internal Navigation be directed to inquire into the expediency of authorizing the heirs of David Albright, to establish a ferry on the Cheat river, at or near the site of the recent Cheat River Toll Bridge, and that they be directed to report by bill or otherwise.

On motion of Mr. Lamb, the House then adjourned.

Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: June 1863

West Virginia Archives and History