
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood
September 24, 1863

Wheeling Intelligencer
September 28, 1863

Broke Jail. - On Thursday about 2 o'clock in the forenoon Reason K. Fowler and John Yost confined, the former for stealing a horse and the latter for robbing the cars at Glover's Gap, broke jail and made their escape out the Clarksburg pike. They effected their escape by loosening the iron bolt which passes through the wall and to which the lock of the door is attached. The bolt was fastened on the inside of the cell by a bur which they unscrewed, and pushing the bolt out, the door was open. We wonder, that with such easy facilities, they did not get out long ago.

They were pursued within ten minutes after they got out and if proper efforts are made we have no doubt of their capture. - Fairmont National.

Both of the above named scamps have been before the Federal Court in this city. They are consumate rebel scoundrels, each, who ought not, if possible, be permitted to escape.

Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: September 1863

West Virginia Archives and History