
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood
November 13, 1863

Wheeling Intelligencer
November 14, 1863

Meeting in Fourth Ward.

The Fourth Ward Union Club with other citizens held a meeting last night in the Hose House for the purpose of devising means for the relief of any families of soldiers in the Union army from the 4th Ward who may be in need of assistance. Harvey Hall, Esq., acting as President and W. L. McNeely as Secretary. On motion of Mr. John Claytor, a committee was appointed to ascertain what number of families in the ward were in need of assistance. William Dillon, James Bodley, Jacob Bier, John Claytor, David Brodie, James McAdams, Jacob Morris, Edward Dunnoway, W. L. McNeely, Henry Ramp and S. G. Stevens constituted the committee.

On motion of Edward Reed Esq., it was resolved that the 4th Ward Union Club head the list of subscribers with the sum of fifty dollars.

The meeting the adjourned to meet again this evening in the Hose House at 7 o'clock.

Wheeling Intelligencer
November 16, 1863

Proceedings of the 4th Ward Union Club.

Saturday Evening, Nov. 14, 1863.

The President having called the meeting to order, the Committee appointed on Friday evening to canvass the Ward and ascertain the number of families of soldiers and others in the Ward requiring aid, made their report. The investigation was thorough and the report and record of the committee show the number of families, number in family, location and amount of aid required.

On motion of Mr. Bier it was

Resolved, That a permanent committee of nine be appointed, whose duty it shall be to visit periodically the families of Union soldiers residing in the 4th ward, who may be indigent circumstances, and from time to time administer to their wants by drawing orders on the Treasurer, for such articles in such amounts as they may need, such order only to be drawn by a majority of any three members of said committee, acting in conjunction with each other.

The meeting then appointed the following persons on the permanent committee of nine, provided for in the above resolution:

John Clayton, Harvey Hall, Jacob Morris, Lee Bradley, Wm. Weilderbush, O.J. Crawford, A. L. McNuly Edward Reid and Jacob E. Bier.

On motion of A. L. McNuly it was,

Resolved, That the relief committee be authorized to extend aid to other meritorious cases, as well as to soldiers families.

On motion of Mr. O'Brien it was,

Resolved, That the Ward be divided into three districts, and three members of the committee appointed to each district, a majority of them empowered to act within said district only.

On motion, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted:

WHEREAS, Rebels and their property, misers and theirs, receive equal protection from rebel raids and incursion - with liberal loyal citizens - Therefore,

Resolved, As the sense of this meeting that the proper county officer or officers, be requested to make a levy for a sum of money sufficient to keep the families of our brave soldiers from want during the war.

Resolved, That in case there is no county officer at present possessing the necessary power to make such levy, we turn with confidence to the Legislature, and ask them to do their duty in the premises, with that speed which the interest of the country and humanity demand.

On motion, the following officers were re-elected:

Harvey Hall, President; S. G. Stephens, Secretary, and John Reid Treasurer.


W. L. McNeely, Sec'y.

Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: November 1863

West Virginia Archives and History