
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood
December 1, 1863

Wheeling Intelligencer
December 1, 1863

Temperance Meeting. - All persons desiring legislation for the prohibition of the liquor traffic in West Virginia, will please meet in the 4th Street Methodist Church, on this (Tuesday) night at 7 o'clock, where addresses will be delivered on the subject.

Wheeling Intelligencer
December 3, 1863

Temperance. - It has been a long time since our readers have heard of a temperance meeting. The subject of temperance was abandoned by its advocates some years ago, after having labored earnestly and faithfully, though vainly, to effect the needed reforms. Particularly since the rebellion has the question remained undisturbed. The discussion of the matter of a prohibitory liquor law until the public sentiment of the State shall have been prepared for it. Rev. Mr. Barnes, Senator Young, Dr. T. H. Logan, Delegate Wheat, and others, spoke upon the subject, in favor and against the passage of a prohibitory liquor law at this time. The meeting was unquestionably in favor of some kind of a liquor law, the only difference of opinion being in regard to the time the law should go into effect. It was finally resolved to continue the agitation of the subject, with a view of preparing public sentiment for such a law as the one now before the Legislature.

Wheeling Intelligencer
December 5, 1863

The Army and the Temperance Reform Movement.

Editors Intelligencer:

The petition forwarded from company E, 3d Virginia cavalry, by Sergeant J, H. Griffin, son of Benoni Griffin in the House of Delegates, came to hand by due course of mail. All honor to the company for their united petition sent up in favor of temperance.

The army of soldiers now in the field defending our county, are shaming the professed Christian churches. We are receiving more petitions from the army than the church, asking us to pass a law suppressing the manufacture and sale of spirituous liquors in West Virginia. Why is this? Is it because so many professed christens at home love to indulge in a "wee bit of the precious stuff." I wonder how many professed Christians in West Virginia, are dram drinkers? How many are engaged directly and indirectly in the manufacture and sale of spirituous liquors in the new state? Such hypocrites are the devil's hitching post and recruiting officers.

We would publish the petitions and names of petitioners asking the passage of Senate bill No. 9, according to request, but that they would take up too much room. However, I will see some of the Editors and learn if they will grant a space in the columns of their papers for the anti-whiskey petitions. Send on the petitions from every source and reinforce us. We attempted on yesterday to attack King Alcohol, with Senate bill No. 9, but were repulsed.

S. Y.

Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: December 1863

West Virginia Archives and History