
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood
February 3, 1864

The Wheeling Daily Register
February 15, 1864


On the 3d inst., some forty or fifty rebels came to Winfield, thirteen crossed the Kanawha river to Redhouse, and captured the steamboat B. O. Levi. They captured Gen. E. P. Scammon and some three of four other officers, and parolled [sic] all the private soldiers on the boat. They landed the boat on the other side of the river, gave the crew six minutes to get ashore, and then set fire to her and went on their way rejoicing with Scammon and the other officers, to rebeldom. Winfield has been subject to raids ever since the war commenced except a few weeks that troops have been stationed there, we have always considered this town an important point. Hurricane Bridge is the right place for troops to protect Mason and Putnam counties, we hope our General who succeeds Scammon will go down and view the country and see the necessity of troops at Hurricane to prevent another raid soon. Troops at Winfield are no protection to the Union citizens of Putnam or Mason county.:W. Va. Herald.

Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: February 1864

West Virginia Archives and History