
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood
May 21, 1864

The Wheeling Daily Intelligencer
May 20, 1864

General Sigel's Farewell Order. - General Sigel has taken leave of his troops in the following farewell order:

Headq'rs Dep't West Virginia,
Cedar Creek, Va., May 21 '64.

General Orders No 27.

By an order of the President of the United States, I am relieved from the command of this Department.

Major General Hunter, U.S. Volunteers, is my successor.

In leaving the troops under my immediate command, I feel it my duty to give my most sincere to the officers and men, who have assisted me so faithfully during the last campaign.

Having no other wishes and aspirations, but to serve and promote the great cause, which we are all bound to defend, I hope that final success my crown the indefatigable zeal and good will of this army.

F. Sigel,
Major General.

The Wheeling Daily Intelligencer
May 26, 1864

From Gen. Hunter's Army. - We earn from a gentleman who arrived yesterday from the Shenandoah Valley that Gen. Hunter relieved Gen. Sigel of the immediate command of the Army of the Valley a day or two ago. General Sigel and Gen. Stahl were at Martinsburgh. Gen. Hunter's army is no longer at Cedar Creek. Everything calculated to impede its progress was sent to the rear, and only one wagon to a regiment was allowed. Gen. Hunter had issued a general order stating that the army was to live upon the country through which it passed, and, if necessary, horses and mules were to be butchered for meat.

Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: May 1864

West Virginia Archives and History