
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood
July 4, 1864

Wheeling Daily Intelligencer
July 7, 1864

Harrison County Ratification Meeting.

Clarksburg, West Va., July 4, 1864.

A meeting of the citizens was held today at the Court House, in pursuance of public notice, to ratify the nominations for President and Vice President made by the Baltimore Convention.

The meeting was called to order by Dr. A.S. Barnes, upon whose motion J. B. Wright, Esq, was appointed chairman. Mr. Barns was appointed Secretary.

Elisha Owens, Esq., explained the object of the meeting, and on motion, the Chairman was directed to appoint a committee of five resolutions.

The following gentlemen were appointed: Messrs. Judge T. W. Harrison, Nathan Goff, Luther Haymond, James L. Griffin and John Hersey. G. D. Hall was added to the committee on motion of Mr. Goff .

The Committee shortly returned and reported the following:

Resolved, That the nomination of Abraham Lincoln, of Illinois, for President, and of Andrew Johnson, of Tennessee, for Vice President, by the representatives of the people assembled in convention at Baltimore, meets with our cordial and unqualified approval, and that we believe their nomination will more heartily and generally than any other unite the loyal citizens of the nation in support of the Government and in defense of the priceless Union it represents.

Resolved, That the perpetuity of the Federal Union is absolutely essential to the welfare, prosperity, glory, and even safety, of the people thereof; that separation is the destruction of all; that the existing rebellion, instigated, begun, and carried on by ambitious and unprincipled men, aiming to dissolve this Union and to extinguish the principles of American liberty, is wholly unjustifiable, is wicked, and must be suppressed, at whatever cost of time, treasure and blood. Therefore, we will support and sustain the Government in whatever measures it may deem necessary to accomplish that end.

Pending the consideration of the report of the committee, the meeting was addressed in appropriate and pertinent terms by Judge Harrison, Dr. Barns, Elisha Owens, Esq., Ira Hart, Esq. and Luther Haymond, Esq., when the question was taken on the resolutions and they were with entire unanimity adopted.

On motion it was ordered. That the loyal press of the State be requested to publish the proceedings of this meeting.

On motion, adjourned.

J. B. Wright, Chairman.
A.S. Barnes, Sec'y.

Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: July 1864

West Virginia Archives and History