
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood
August 30, 1864

The Wheeling Daily Intelligencer
August 31, 1864

Important Order. - The following circular was yesterday issued from the Provost Marshal's office by Col. Ely:

Acting Ass't Pro. Mar. Gen's. Office,
State of West Virginia.
Wheeling, August 31, 1864.

Circular. - By direction of the Provost Marshal General, Washington, D. C. , volunteers will be accepted after the 5th day of September, the day the draft is to take place, and credited on the quotas of the different counties in this State under the present call, up to the date on which the drafted men are directed to report to the District Provost Marshals, prior to being sent to rendezvous for drafted men.

John Ely,
Col. and A. A. P. M. Gen. West Va.

The circular means simply that volunteering may go on after the 5th of September until such time as drafted men are ordered to report. For instance, in some of the interior counties, drafted men may be allowed thirty days to report and the county or sub-district may employ that time in procuring substitutes to take the places of the drafted and thus fill the quota. One would suppose that under this order a drafted man might volunteer and receive the bounty, but we would not advise anybody to try such a dangerous experiment.

Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: August 1864

West Virginia Archives and History