
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood
September 5, 1864

The Wheeling Daily Intelligencer
September 6, 1864

Tribute of Respect.

The Militia Called Out. - Yesterday morning a rumor gained currency that in consequence of the threatening aspect of the situation in the vicinity of Cumberland and New Creek, Gov. Boreman had called out the militia of the city. Later in the day an order was received from Brig. Gen. Crawford, calling out the militia, and in accordance with this order, Col. Sweeney of the 4th, and Lieut. Col. Hubbard, of the 5th regiment, immediately issued notices calling out their regiments. The several orders were printed and posted upon our bulletin board, together with the dispatches from Gen. Kelley which appear elsewhere, and attracted great crowds of the able-bodied population. A great many people suddenly recollected that they had business abroad, and sundry fishing and hunting parties were talked of.

Very few of the members of either of the regiments responded to the order - perhaps not more than forty of each - owing to the fact that the men were not notified. After some consultation, the men were adjourned to meet this afternoon at 2 o'clock, at their respective places of rendezvous.

Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: September 1864

West Virginia Archives and History